) It is said that Washington and Beijing continue to cooperate in climatic financing.As the world's two largest economies, the United States and China must work together to deal with the "survival threat" brought by climate change.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Reuters reported that Yellen, which was visiting China on Saturday morning, said at a round table meeting that the United States and China had previously achieved the possibility of cooperation in climate change.Global breakthroughs, such as the Paris Agreement in 2015, both governments of the two countries hope to support emerging markets and developing countries to strive to achieve their climate goals.

Yellen emphasized that the two countries continue to cooperate in climatic financing. "As the world's largest greenhouse gas emissions country and the largest renewable energy investment country, we have common responsibilities andPower to lead this path. "

She said that the financing of these initiatives should be efficient and effective.The support of Washington and other agencies can increase their influence.

Yellen also said, "We encourage the entire economy to transition to the net zero emissions is also very important, which needs to be included in the private sector." She also said that the climate -related investment must be China and the United States.The economic system is "operating with each other."

Yellen looks forward to listening to the proposal of the working group at the Treasury Secretary of the Group 20 in India, including the sustainable financial working group co -hosted by the United States and China.

She said that the group has formulated sustainable financing roadmap in recent years, held a seminar on carbon fixed price and non -price policy leverage, formulated a transition financing framework, and proposed a series of climate financing.suggestion.

She said, this is a good example, which shows what results can be achieved in both China and the United States. Both sides should continue to cooperate on multilateral forums based on this.