The Chinese Ministry of Finance expressed that after the end of the US Treasury Minister Yellen, it was said that the United States hopes that the United States will adhere to the rational and pragmatic attitude and do it with China.Major concerns for.

According to a press release issued on Monday (July 10), the website of the Ministry of Finance, the relevant person in charge of the Chinese Ministry of Finance answered the media to inquire about Yelun's visit to China.During the period of China, Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Prime Minister of the State Council, exchanged on major issues such as Sino -US relations and economic relations between China and the United States.

Yellen also talks with He Lifeng, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, the Vice Premier of the State Council, and the leader of the Chinese and American economic and trade.In -depth exchanges such as field issues.The person in charge of the unnamed Ministry of Finance described that "the relevant meeting talks are frank, pragmatic, in -depth, and constructive."

The head of the Ministry of Finance of China said that China pointed out in the meeting that healthy and stable Sino -US relations are not only conducive to the two countries, but also the peace and development of the world.It is hoped that the United States will adhere to the rational and pragmatic attitude, and work together with the Chinese side and work together to transform the consensus consensus of the heads of state of the two countries into actual actions and promote Sino -US relations to return to the right track as soon as possible.

In terms of common challenges in the Sino -US economy and global, China explained the essence of mutually beneficial and win -win economic relations between China and the United States in the meeting.Sino -US economic structure is complementary and the economic and trade exchanges are closely. It has formed a huge common interest. The essence of economic relations between the two countries is mutually beneficial and win -win.

China believes that China's development is an opportunity, a challenge, a gain rather than a risk.Strengthening cooperation between China and the United States is the actual demand and correct choice of the two countries.The United States said that it does not seek to "decoupling" in China. The decourse of the two major economies in the world is disastrous to both countries and will also bring unstable to the world.The United States has no intention of forcing countries to choose a team to choose a team to make the world economic fragmentation.

Secondly, the Chinese side requires the United States to take practical actions to respond to China's major concerns about the US economic sanctions.The person in charge of the Ministry of Finance said that in recent years, the United States has introduced a series of measures for economic sanctions on China, which has harmed the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese market entities and destroyed the public opinion foundation of the relationship between the two countries.During the meeting, China once again reiterated its concerns on the cancellation of tariffs on China, the stop targeting Chinese enterprises, the two -way investment in the two countries, relaxing export control in China, and canceling the ban on products related to Xinjiang.Actions responded to China's major concerns in the economic relations between the two countries.

Third, it clarifies China ’s position on healthy economy competition.China believes that the realization of healthy Sino -US economic relations must fully respect the right to develop rights and interests of all parties, and carry out healthy competition in accordance with the principles of market economy and the rules of WTO.China has always been committed to accelerating the first -class business environment of marketization, rule of law, and internationalization.Protect property rights and intellectual property rights in accordance with the law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise, and treat various market entities, including foreign -funded enterprises, treat them equally and treat them fairly.China's rapid economic development has also made positive contributions to the growth of world economic growth.Differences should not be a reason for gap, but precisely the motivation to strengthen communication and communication.

Fourth is to show the positive willingness of China to deal with global challenges.At present, global macroeconomic and financial stability, climate change, debt issues and other global challenges have become increasingly severe.Effectively responding to solving global challenges cannot be separated from the coordination of China and the United States, which is in line with the common interests of the two countries and is also conducive to improving the well -being of the people of the world.

The person in charge of the Ministry of Finance finally said that during the visit of Yellen, the two sides agreed to meet the important consensus in accordance with the two heads of state to meet with the heads of state, and then maintain high -level exchanges in the Sino -US economic field and communication at various levels.