U.S. Treasury Secretary Yelleny on Saturday (July 8) visited China on the third day to meet with Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng, he called on the United States and China to compete under fair rules and avoid misunderstanding through direct communication.Yellen also emphasized that the US -China trade record last year reached a record high, indicating that despite the recent situation, companies in the two countries still have enough space to participate in trade and investment.

Scholars of interviewed scholars evaluated that compared with the US Secretary of State Brosky, China ’s interviewed China in June, Yellen's trip not only softened in China, but also further enlarged the possibility of US -China cooperation.However, whether this positive momentum can continue after Yellen ended its trip, it depends on whether the United States will upgrade its strength to China in restricting chip export policies.

On Thursday (July 6), Yellen, who arrived in Beijing for four days to visit China, held a meeting with He Lifeng at Diaoyutai State Hotel on Saturday afternoon.

According to Xinhua News Agency, He Lifeng and Yellen conducted an important consensus on the implementation of the first Bali meeting in China and the United States, and conducted a "in -depth, frank, pragmatic" exchanges on the situation of the two countries and the world's economic and financial situations and cooperation.The talks are constructive.The U.S. Treasury statement stated that Yellen and He Lifeng met with "frankness, constructivity and comprehensive" meeting.

Yellen said at the beginning of the meeting that in the face of complex global economic prospects, the United States and China, as the two largest economies, "urgently need to deal with various challenges and exchanged opinions."

Yellen believes that this can help the two countries to better understand the global economic prospects and make better decisions to strengthen their respective economies.

Although the deductive theory of the Sino -US economy is very arrogant, the latest data show that the trade relations between the two countries are basically stable. Last year, the amount of bilateral trade reached a new high, reaching $ 690 billion (S $ 931.4 billion).

Yellen reiterated that Washington did not seek to "eat" in relations with China, but hoped to ensure that benign competition based on fair rules and long -term mutual benefit of the two countries.

Yellen also urged Beijing not to let any differences lead to misunderstandings, "especially those misunderstandings caused by lack of communication, which will unnecessary deterioration of bilateral economic and financial relations."

He Lifeng sees the "accident" of "accidents" that hurts Sino -US relations: "Unfortunately, due to some emergencies, such as events involved in airship (the balloon incident in February this year), the heads of state of the two countries of the two countries, the heads of state of the two countries.There were some problems in execution at a consensus reached at a summit last year. "

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, including Ho Lifeng and other senior officials of the Chinese government to release goodwill to Yellen in the past two days, hoping to actively promote Sino -US relations to return to relatively stable and healthy development.The target is "further strengthening the communication between the two countries' policies."

Zhu Feng believes that compared to the Bringsken of China Visit China in June, Yellen's evaluation of Sino -US relations is "further" and softer to China., Not only emphasize the importance of cooperation, especially the possibility of enlarging cooperation ... It is more content in Sino -US relations cooperation. "

Zhu Feng evaluated that during the visit to China, Yellen also tried to further clarify the current Chinese policy of Biden's government. While competing against China, it also enhanced the expansion of cooperation.The position of de -Chinaization.Sino -US -maintaining dialogue and communication also obviously continue to actively actively, indicating that the two countries will further strengthen communication on climate issues with common interests.

Sino -US cooperation in the field of climate change discussion, once suspended due to the visit of Plogs, then the then President of the House of Representatives Perosi last August last August.

At the Climate round table meeting on Saturday morning, Yellen called on the United States and China to work together to deal with the "survival threat" brought by climate change.She emphasized that the two countries continued to cooperate in climatic financing issues.

Zhu Feng said that Yellen's conversation is that the US climate special envoy Kerry may be able to visit China soon, indicating that China and the United States will continue to promote the normalized dialogue.

But Zhu Feng also judged that the United States has not yet relaxed the siege of China chips, and may announce a new and stricter export control to China after Yellen ended its visit to China.Interactive mode, and "new normal, new rules" may encounter variables again.

On the other hand, Yellen, as a female pioneer in the field of economics, also had lunch with six Chinese female economists at noon on Saturday.