(Bangkok's French New Dian) some of the Minority local armed organizations in Myanmar's alliance with the military rebellion and joined the anti -political change forces, which once controlled several border posts in the Eastern Kiebon, triggering a fierce conflict for several consecutive days.

Kiebon borders Thailand, and there are thousands of anti -government -changing militia in the local area.Myanmar Global Shin Kong News reported on Thursday (June 29) that from June 13th to 19th, the five border posts stationed by the local border forces were attacked by a large -scale attack on the anti -coupon forces.

The local border defense forces consist of ethnic minorities and local armed organizations (referred to as civilians) and the army. Civil and land martial arts have greater local autonomy and rich profits.However, they suddenly rebelled to join the anti -political change troops and attacked the border post.The report did not explain how many people rebelled.The opposition national unity government said there are dozens of defectors.

The two border posts were occupied by the anti -courtyard forces, but the military recaptured control after air strikes and shells were launched.It is reported that the military had casualties in the counterattack operation, but did not disclose specific details.

Since the military launching a coup in 2021, Myanmar's civil strife has continued, and many civilians of civil and land are fighting against the military government with the newly established anti -government -changing armed forces.Some analysts stated that the efficiency of the people's country's defense army surprised the military and dragged the military into bloody battles.

The Burmese Government Information Group said on Thursday that a bridge connecting Yangon, which connects the business center and a highway on the border between Thailand was attacked by a mines.10 civilians and some security forces members were injured.A military officer of the Caren National PLA told AFP that the landmines were buried with them and the People's National Defense Forces.