U.S. officials quoted a preliminary investigation result that it was a preliminary survey that it flew over the United States that the Chinese balloon over the United States had loaded the US -made equipment to help it collect photos, videos and other information.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported on Thursday (June 29) that the U.S. military discovered the above -mentioned balloon nearly five months ago and shot it down.Analysis of the fragments.

U.S. officials said that the analysis found that the balloon fragments are all American commercial equipment, some of which are sold online, and are mixed with China's proprietary sensor and other equipment to collect photos, videos and other information to transmit to them to them to to be transmitted to them to them to to be transmitted to to transmit photos to them.China.These officials say that these discovers support a conclusion that the purpose of the aircraft is to perform espionage, not as long as Beijing's climate monitoring.

These officials said that the Chinese balloon mixed with ready -made and proprietary equipment is an innovative attempt by the Chinese government in monitoring.

The above -mentioned U.S. officials said that the balloon collected data in the eight days of flying over Alaska, Canada, and Duozhou near the United States, but the aircraft did not seem to send information back to China.These officials refused to explain whether the aircraft failed.The US Pentagon once said that the U.S. military has adopted countermeasures to prevent balloon collection information.

After the balloon incident, US Secretary of State Brillings canceled the original visit to China in February.After the China -US consultation, Brinken arrived in Beijing on June 18 for two days and one -night visits, and during that period, Xi Jinping, President of China, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, Wang Yi, director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, and Chinese State Councilor and Foreign MinisterQin Gang met.