(Comprehensive News) The Yawan high -speed railway from Jakarta to Bandung, Indonesia, is expected to be officially opened to traffic in August this year. The official research continues to extend the high -speed rail route to Surabaya in Surabaya, the second largest city in the country.However, local experts want the government to think twice.

The Minister of the Indonesian Marine and Investment Department, Luhut, told the media after inspecting the progress of the Yawan high -speed rail last week that the official is to study whether the high -railway route is extended to Surabaya.

He said that Indonesia may continue to cooperate with China to build a new high -speed rail route, but it may also work with other countries.However, he believes that the cost of cooperating with China will be low.

The total length of the Yawan high -speed rail is about 142 kilometers, and Jakarta is about 730 kilometers from Surabaya.In other words, the high -speed railway line extended from Bandung to Surabaya is about 588 kilometers long, which is about three times that of the entire Yawan high -speed rail.

Scholars: With high -speed rail technology countries, the Chinese government should pay more than three

Achmad Nur Hidayat, a senior economic and public policy scholar in the National Development University of Indonesia, told "Times News Network" on Tuesday (June 27): "Countries with high -speed rail technology are not only China, but also South Korea, Japan, Germany, France and Italy. "

He believes that the official decided whether to continue to build the high -speed rail should be "more than three."

Ahmad believes that after cooperating with China to build the Yawan high -speed rail, Indonesia is actually suffering."The cooperation model with China has now settled in Indonesia. This model seems good for Indonesia, but it is not."

He said that according to the cooperation agreement, if China cannot complete the Yawan high -speed railway project, the Indonesian government must try to inject the capital after their own capital.He also pointed out that China did not transfer specific technologies like the agreement.

Ahmad also pointed out that Indonesia's current fiscal capabilities are not suitable for launching large -scale construction projects.He called on the government to start a huge new high -speed rail project before the state's financial situation is stable.

Kornelius Purba, a senior editor of the Jakarta Post Monday (26th), pointed out in a column article that bad feasibility studies and chaotic agreement clauses caused the completion date of the Yawan high -speed rail slower than the predetermined progress.Four years.He called on President Zoko not to rush to start a new high -speed rail route extending to Surabaya.

Korineus said that eating a sting, long one wisdom, with the experience of the Yawan high -speed rail project, the government should learn cleverly and openly bid for the high -speed rail route extending to Surabaya."As a strategic project, fairness and transparency are important. Even in the end, it is Chinese bidding, it is fair to everyone."

The Yawan high -speed rail was originally scheduled to be completed in 2019, but it was extended many times due to overruns and accidents.The project was originally expected to cost about $ 6 billion (about S $ 8 billion), and now the cost of $ 1.18 billion due to the continuous expansion of the cost of engineering, construction and land purchase.The Indonesian government has stated that the Yawan high -speed rail must be opened to traffic on the 78th anniversary of the Indonesian celebration in August this year.