Visa has become the biggest problem for the Chinese outbound tour of this year.Taking European countries and Germany as an example, the date of signing that can be reserved has reached October or even November. On the whole, the two periods of the summer vacation and the Chinese National Day holiday have been missed.If you start making a visa now, you may only have been to Christmas.

According to the WeChat public account of the "News Morning News", Shanghai's German Visa Application Center prompts: "Sorry, there is no reservation period." Beijing's German Visa Application Center, the earliest appointment time can be reserved.September 12.If you add more than 15 days of visa review period, it is difficult to catch up with the National Day holiday.

On the third -party online booking platform, travel agencies providing German visa services are more conservative. The "earliest departure date" of the Schengen tourist visa sent by Shanghai is December 16.

Other Schengen's popular countries, such as France, Spain, Italy, etc., are also similar to Germany, and the date of reservation and signing is basically after September.In other words, tourists who plan to apply for these countries during the summer are actually April this year, and the visa will start to make an appointment at the latest May.

Another conventional summer outbound tourist destination in the United States, the current reservation is directly ranked directly to November and December.The data displayed by the Shanghai Noodle Signing Reservation website this morning, the reservation time for the B1/B2 tourist visa is 128 days, which is more than four months.

It is reported that it only plans to apply for a visa to go to the popular tourist destinations in Europe and the United States near the summer vacation. When the visa arrives, it is basically a Christmas and New Year's Day.

Due to the difficulty of making appointments in the popular national visa in Europe and the United States, according to Ctrip's data, from the current processing situation, the summer outbound tour is mainly based on short -term behavior. Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, MalaysiaFive popular destinations.As for long -term travel, the countries with more signatures are Australia and Britain.