According to Reuters, the Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted the so -called "insider" news on June 27 that because it was worried that China might use the artificial intelligence chip of Nvidia and other companies to "conduct weapons development and hackers", Bayeng's government was posingConsider the new sanctions on the export of artificial intelligence chips for China.

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The Wall Street Journal said that the US Department of Commerce will first demand to stop providing Chinese customers with chip products produced by Nvidia and other chip companies.The report also said that American chip manufacturers such as Nvidia, Micron and Chaowei Semiconductor (AMD) will be influenced by the new measures of the government by the US media.Semiconductor stock prices fell about 1.5%.

This is not the first time that the United States has imposed sanctions on exporting artificial intelligence chips to China.It is reported that Nvidia said in September last year that US officials asked the company to stop exporting two top computing chips for artificial intelligence to China.In order to meet export control regulations, Nvidia said a few months later that it will provide China with a "relegation version" chip called A800.The company also adjusted its flagship H100 chip early this year to comply with regulations.

The Wall Street Journal reported on June 13 that the Deputy Minister of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce, said at an industry conference last week that the Bayeng government intends to extend an export control policy at a industry conference last week.During the exemption period, this policy aims to restrict foreign companies in the United States and US technology sells advanced process chips and chip manufacturing equipment to China.Some analysts believe that the move will weaken the effect of the United States on the chip's export control policy on the chip.Experts interviewed by the Global Times reporter on the 13th believe that although the United States has not announced specific details, the "extension exemption" is unexpected, because the measures for the development of Chinese chips for the development of Chinese chips are not only limited, but also backframes.

Regarding the restrictions on the export of chip exports in China, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that the United States has abused export control measures and conduct malicious blockade and suppression of Chinese enterprises due to the need to maintain scientific and technological hegemony.The rules of economic and trade not only harm the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies, but also affect the interests of American companies.This approach hinders international scientific and technological exchanges and economic and trade cooperation, which will have a impact on the stable supply chain of the global industrial chain and the recovery of the world economy.The United States will political and economic and trade issues politically, tools, and weapons that cannot stop China's development. They will only block themselves and bother themselves.