Chinese President Xi Jinping met with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Brillin in Beijing on Monday (June 19) in Beijing.

According to Chinese official media reports and videos, Xi Jinping told Brinken at the opening game that China had a long talk with Brinken before, "Generally, the two sides talked to be frank and deep." China has already been talked about. "The Chinese side has already been.It shows the position. "The two sides agreed to implement the consensus reached by President Biden and I had reached the time when the President Biden met. The two sides also made progress on some specific issues and reached a consensus.

In addition, Xi Jinping also said: "National communication between the country and the country must respect each other and treat each other with sincerity. I also hope that Mr. Secretary of State will play a more active role in stabilizing China -US relations this time."

According to Reuters, the US State Department stated that the Secretary of State Brosaka met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday that President Biden believed that Washington and Beijing had obligations to manage the relationship between the two countries, and the United States was committed to doing so.Brinken said the United States does not try to curb China economy.He also emphasized that communication between the United States and China is absolutely necessary.

Brinken also said on Monday that he agreed with Chinese leaders and need a stable relationship between China and the United States, but he also "remained sober" for the huge differences between the two parties.

After meeting with Xi Jinping, Brincken told reporters, "In each talk, I emphasize that direct contact and continuous communication of high -level direct contacts are the bestMethods, I heard the same words from China. We all agree that we need to stabilize our relationship. "

According to Agence France -Presse, Briggier also pointed out that China promises not to transport deadly weapons to Russia.