Yang Tao, director of the US Department of Foreign Affairs, said that the root cause of Sino -US relations falling into the trough is that the United States has a wrong understanding of China.

According to the CCTV News client report, Yang Tao made the above statements when Yang Tao introduced the relevant situation of US Secretary of State Brinkeng's visit to China in the evening.Yang Tao said that with the agreed between China and the United States, U.S. Secretary of State Brillin visited China from June 18th to 19th.

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with a ritual meeting on Monday afternoon. The US Secretary of State Brills, Gaowu Jianyu clarified the principles of stable development of Sino -US relations, and put forward strategic and guiding opinions.

In addition, during the visit, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, met with Brinchen, and the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang talked to Brinken.Yang Tao said that the meeting was frank, in -depth, and constructive. China focused on the six aspects in the meeting.

Yang Tao introduced that China clarified the current crux of the current dilemma of Sino -US relations.China pointed out that the current Sino -US relations have been the lowest since the establishment of diplomatic relations. This situation does not meet the fundamental interests of the people of the two countries, nor does it meet the common expectations of the international community.The root cause of Sino -US relations falling into the trough is that the United States holds wrong Chinese cognition and formulates wrong China policies.

Yang Tao said that China has pointed out that Sino -US relations have gone through twists and turns, and it is necessary for the United States to reflect deeply.The United States should adhere to the objective and rational cognition of China, and go to China to maintain the political foundation of Sino -US relations. Calm, professional, and rationally deal with accidental occasional incidents, jointly control differences, and avoid strategic accidents.It should not be resolved to implement the consensus of the Chinese President Xi Jinping and the US President Byden Bali Island to promote Sino -US relations to stop falling and stabilize, and return to the right track.

Yang Tao also said that China proposed the direction and path of stable Sino -US relations.China has always maintained continuity and stability in the U.S. policy, and is committed to building a stable, expected and constructive Sino -US relations.China and the United States should reverse the spiral decline of Sino -US relations with the attitude towards the people, history, and the world, promote the return of healthy and stable tracks, and jointly find the correct way to get along with China and the United States in the new era.

Yang Tao mentioned that the priority is to implement the consensus of the heads of state and the heads of state of China and the United States.It should be the spirit of the spirit of the two sides, the bottom line that keeps together, and the goal pursuing together.

Yang Tao said that China explained the historical logic and inevitable trend of China's development revitalization, introduced the distinctive characteristics of Chinese -style modernization and the rich connotation of people's democracy, and urged the United StatesCome to the mirror China, do not use the trajectory of traditional Western powers to misjudge China.

Yang Tao pointed out that China has reiterated the red line on the core interest and major concerns.China has stated its strict position on issues such as Taiwan, democratic human rights, road systems, and science and technology.Emphasizing the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests, the most significant issue of Sino -US relations, and the most prominent risk.

Yang Tao said that China also urged the United States to abide by the three joint communiqués of China and China and the United States, respecting China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and clearly opposed "Taiwan independence."The United States is required to stop the hype of "Chinese threat theory", cancel illegal unilateral sanctions against China, and abandon the development of Chinese science and technology.

Yang Tao finally said that China and the United States have reached some positive consensus and achievements.The most important of these is that the two sides agreed to implement the consensus determined by the head of state of the two countries and return to the agenda determined by the meeting.