US State Council says that US Secretary of State Broskens will be with the US State State will be with the US State Secretary of State.Chinese President Xi Jinping met on Monday (June 19) in Beijing.

Reuters reported the above news on Monday afternoon.Agence France -Presse quoted an anonymous U.S. official saying that Brinten and Xi Jinping would meet at 4:30 pm on Monday.

As of now, Chinese officials have not announced the news.

When a foreign media reporter asked the Chinese national leaders to meet with Brinken at a routine press conference on Monday, a spokesman Mao Ning only said that the meeting and talks of Brinkeit in China,The message will be released in a timely manner.

Former U.S. Department of Defense, in charge of Chinese affairs officials Tang Anzhu on Monday morning on social media, said that if Xi Jinping met with Brinken, this would send an important signal to the CCP cadres and government officials, "that is," that is,They should be open to the dialogue with the United States, although this may not be compromised to the United States. "

Brinken Sunday (June 18) arrived in Beijing to open a two -day visit to China.This is the first visit to China since 2018, and it is also the highest -level U.S. officials who visited China since the beginning of 2021 to enter the White House.Brinken originally planned to visit China in February this year, but delayed its itinerary due to the balloon incident.

Brinken Sunday has been negotiated with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang for five and a half hours.The two sides express the willingness to stabilize bilateral relations and avoid competition to the conflict.

Brinken also held talks with Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office on Monday morning.Agence France -Presse quoted a U.S. State Council official that the two held three hours of talks at the Diaoyutai State Hotel in Beijing.