Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized when he met with US Secretary of State BrillingkenChina and the United States should attach importance to the common interests between the two countries, and each successful success is an opportunity rather than a threat to each other.

According to China CCTV news report, Xi Jinping met with Blint in the Great Hall of the People on Monday (June 19) in the afternoon of Monday (June 19).

Xi Jinping emphasized when meeting, the world is developing, and the times are changing.The world needs a overall stable Sino -US relations. Whether China and the United States can get along with each other are related to the future of human future.The broad earth was completely accommodated to the development and common prosperity of China and the United States.Like the American people, the Chinese people are self -esteem and self -reliance and self -reliance. They all have the right to pursue a better life. The common interests between the two countries should be paid attention to. The success of their success is an opportunity rather than a threat to each other.

He said, at present, the international community generally worry about the status quo of Sino -US relations. I do not want to see the confrontation between the two countries.Friendly cooperation.Based on the attitude towards history, the responsibility of the people, and the world, the two countries should deal with Sino -US relations, contribute to global peace and development, and inject stability, certainty, and constructiveness to the world of chaos.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the competition of great powers is not in line with the trend of the times, and it cannot solve the problems of the United States itself and the challenges facing the world.China respects the interests of the United States and will not challenge and replace the United States.Similarly, the United States must respect China and not harm China's legitimate rights and interests.No one can shape each other according to their own wishes, let alone deprive the other party's right to develop rights.

He said that China always hopes that Sino -US relations can be healthy and stable. I believe that the two major powers can eliminate all difficulties and find the correct way to get along with each other, coexist peace, and win -win cooperation.It is hoped that the United States will adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude, and work with China, work together, and adhere to the consensus reached by his US President Biden's meeting in Bali.Essence