Sino -US relations with spiral decline stopped falling down after the visit of US Secretary of State Brinkee's visit to China. Although there are still obvious differences between the two sides, it has reached a consensus that it is necessary to stabilize bilateral relations and avoid sliding conflict.

Chinese official Monday (June 19) said when meeting with Brinken, hoping that Brinken's visit to China can play a more active role in stabilizing the relationship between the two countries; Brinken also shows that there is responsibility and obligation management in the United States and China.A good relationship between the two countries is not only in line with the interests of the United States and China, but also the interests of the world.

Brinken has launched a two -day visit to China from Sunday. This is the first visit to China since 2018. It is also the highest -level American official who visited China since the Bayeng entered the White House in early 2021.Brinken originally planned to visit China in February this year, but delayed its itinerary due to the balloon incident.

Before meeting with Chinese officials, Blingken first held a governor of talks and dinner with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Sunday afternoon.On Monday morning, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, held a talk for about three hours.

Wang Yi mentioned in the talks that the spiral decline of Sino -US relations should be reversed, but the wording of the bad status quo of Sino -US relations on Washington was also tough.

China -US officials did not release the news that Chinese officials would meet with Blink until Monday afternoon.

According to the scene photos released by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese officials sat alone at the end of the long table during the meeting. His left and right sides were the two -sides led by Wang Yi and Brinkee.Lotus is placed in the center of the conference table, which means "harmony is expensive."

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Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post. At the same time as the Chinese official, Chinese officials also met the dialogue team of both sides and expressed their willingness to communicate directly with the US team.

Chinese officials said in the opening of the game: "The two sides agreed to implement the consensus reached during the meeting with President Bayeng, and the two sides have made progress on some specific issues to reach a consensus. This is good."

He also expressed that he hoped that Brinken's visit to China would play a more active role in stabilizing Sino -US relations.

According to the news draft released by the Xinhua Society, Chinese officials also said in the talks that the world needs a overall stable Sino -US relations. Whether China and the United States can get along with each other are related to the future of human future.

According to the news released by the US State Department, Brinken said in the opening whites that the United States and China have obligations and responsibilities to control each other's relationships. "The United States will be committed to doing so, which is not only in line with the interests of the United States, but also in line with China and the world.Benefit".

Brinken described in an interview with the media before leaving Beijing on Monday that China and the United States have "taken a positive step" in the past few days.

He said that at each meeting during his visit to China, he emphasized that direct contact and continuous communication of high -level direct contact and continuous communication are the best way to manage differences responsible and ensure that competition will not evolve into conflict."I heard the same view from Chinese colleagues. We all agree that we need to stabilize our relationship."

Zhu Feng pointed out that Brinken's biggest effect is that both parties have expressed a clear political consensus, that is, to avoid misjudgment and avoid conflict upgrades, so that the relationship can be more effectively controlled.

Analysis: The outside world can maintain "cautious optimism"

The outside world's previous expectations for Broncane's visit to China were not high, but from the two days of contact between China and the United States, the relationship between the two countries is expected to return to the node of the first meeting between the US dollar in November last year.Yang Tao, the director of the North American Oceania Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, described the media on Monday night that Brinken's visit to China was a "new start" for Sino -US relations.

Luo Minghui, assistant professor of public policies and global affairs courses in Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, pointed out in an interview that after Bollingak's visit to China, the outside world can maintain "cautious and optimistic" about Sino -US relations.

He said that the signal that the two sides had previously released were not to hold too high expectations, which significantly reduced external expectations. "Even if you find something in common in any space, you can be regarded as victory."