On the eve of US Secretary of State Brills visited China, US President Biden said that he hopes to meet with Chinese officials in the next few months.

Brinken Sunday (June 18) arrived in Beijing in the morning, restarting the trip to China in February this year due to the delay of the balloon incident.According to Bloomberg, Bayeng Saturday (June 17) hinted before the start to Philadelphia that the Chinese leadership did not know the details of the balloon incident.

Bynden said: "I think (for China) is more embarrassing than deliberate, so I hope to meet with Xi (Jinping) in the next few months to talk about our observations and how to get along."

The first Sino -US dollar held a bilateral meeting during the Group of the 20th of the Geminar of the Gemptia Group in Bali, Indonesia last November. Dialogue on issues such as Taiwan and other issues, at the same time promised each other to communicate more frequently.

Brinden's visit to China aims to seek to establish communication channels to prevent misunderstanding and misjudgments, and cooperate with global challenges.Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro hopes to visit China as soon as possible.

However, the talks released by the two parties did not mention whether Biden would meet with Chinese officials.

Scholars: Sino -US relations may have some positive state

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Brinken's visit to China shows that after the balloon incident, Brinkee is still willing to restore high -level interaction to a certain extent.

He believes that although the Bayeng government does not substantially change the policy of China, this "is still a small iconic diplomatic activity, and Sino -US relations may have some positive states next."

Wu Xinbo, Dean of the Institute of International Issues of Fudan University, studied and judged that the United States currently focuses on the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization Summit held in San Francisco in November this year. Blink also wanted to visit China through this visit to China to confirm with Beijing to confirm the subsequent exchanges between the two sides of the two parties."Linemap" and "timetable".

Wu Xinbo believes that Brinken's visit to Hua can't talk about "ice breaking". It can only be said that it is a state of cold state of the end of China and the United States, continue to promote high -level interaction, try to deal with some outstanding problems in the relationship between the two countries.And promote the coordination and cooperation of China and the United States on some issues.

Li Mingjiang's judgment, China and the United States may hope to use this high -level diplomatic interaction to create more direct communication between high -level officials between the two countries in the next few months.

He said, "Through these policy interactions, the bilateral relations can achieve a certain degree of stability." The bigger goal is to hope that the China -US dollar can achieve face -to -face talks within the first year.