Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, director of the Central Foreign Affairs OfficeWhen meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Brillings on Monday (June 19), it urged the United States not to use the templates of the country to make a mirror in China, and do not use the trajectory of the traditional Western country to misjudge China.

According to the information published by the WeChat public account of "Yuyuan Tan Tian", a subsidiary of CCTV, Wang Yi said that Brinkenton's trip to Beijing is at a key node in China and the United States.Conflict, cooperation or conflict choices.History always develops forward, and Sino -US relations will eventually develop.There is no way out of history, and it is even more important to push down."We must reverse the spiral decline of Sino -US relations with the attitude towards the people, history, and the world, promote the return of health and stable tracks, and jointly find the correct way to get along in China and the United States in the new era."

Wang Yi emphasized that "Sino -US relations fall into the trough, the root cause is that the United States holds wrong Chinese cognition, leading to wrong policies for China."Sino -US relations have gone through twists and turns. It is necessary for the United States to reflect on deeply, and we will control the differences with China and avoid strategic accidents.Sino -US relations should stop falling and stabilize, and the priority is to truly implement the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries.Sino -US relations must be stable and far away. The most important thing is to use the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping as fundamental follow.

According to reports, Wang Yi explained the historical logic and inevitable trend of China's development revitalization, introduced the distinctive characteristics of Chinese -style modernization and the rich connotation of the people's democracy, and urged the United StatesThe template came to the image of China. Do not use the trajectory of the traditional Western powers to misjudge China, and says that this is the key to whether the United States can truly return to objective rationality in China.

Wang Yi also asked the United States to stop hype hype the Chinese threat theory.

For the Taiwan issue, Wang Yi emphasized that maintaining the unity of the country is always the core of China's core interests, the fate of all Chinese children, and the historical mission of the Chinese government's unswervingly."On this issue, China has no room for compromise."The United States must truly adhere to a China principle determined by the three joint communiqués of China and the United States, respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and clearly oppose Taiwan independence.

The two sides also exchanged opinions on international and regional issues that they care about.