Video Source: Yuyuan Tan Tian

China CCTV's Weibo account "Yuyuan Tan Tian" was released at 10.46 night at night (June 18) at 10.46, saying that the talks between Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang and US Secretary of State Brills have ended.Leave the scene.

This post has also attached a short video of less than 10 seconds, showing that the US team drove away from the Diaoyutai State Hotel.

Qin Gang held talks with Brinken at the Diaoyutai State Guest House on Sunday afternoon.

According to Reuters, a US State Department spokesman said that Blingken's talks with Qin Gang lasted for five and a half hours, and then the two had working dinner.

Anthony Zurcher, a reporter from British Broadcasting Corporation, tweeted in a social media that the talks between Brinkeit and Qin Gang in Beijing ended at 8 pm, about an hour longer than the original time.