(Washington Reuters) Sino -US scientific and technological warfare has continued to heat up. U.S. officials will negotiate whether they will be renewed in the expired Sino -US science and technology cooperation agreement in debate. They still have to negotiate with China to join the clauses such as preventing industrial spy activities.

Reuters reported that when China and the United States established diplomatic relations in 1979, a China -US science and technology cooperation agreement was signed.The foundation of the year's academic and commercial exchanges lays the foundation.The renewal agreement every five years is about to expire on August 27.

The three U.S. officials who are familiar with the discussion of the renewal agreement said that considering that the bilateral relations between China and the United States have been in the worst situation in decades, the US government is debating whether it should be renewed.

Officials who do not want to be named revealed that the U.S. government has different views on how to handle the agreement.Some believe that the agreement should be renewed, and some think that the agreement should be invalidated, or re -negotiating with the Chinese side to improve the guarantee clause of industrial spies and require the equivalence of data exchange.

However, officials believe that in view of the status quo of US -China relations, trying to re -negotiate may damage the agreement.

The mainstream view of the United States is more inclined to renew the agreement, and believes that the termination of the cooperation agreement will kill Sino -US academic and commercial cooperation.However, more and more officials and legislators believe that, in view of the strategic competition between China and the United States, the cooperation between the two countries in science and technology is of little significance.

Gragel, chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee of the China House of Representatives, pointed out that the renewal agreement will only endanger US research and intellectual property rights and believe that "the government must make this outdated agreement expire."The US State Department and the National Security Council refused to comment.

Scholars supporting renewal believe that if the agreement between the two countries in scientific and technological cooperation is invalidated, the United States will lose observation channels for technological progress in China.

Simon, a professor at the church of North Carolina University of Church, said: "Whether China is an enemy or friend, the United States needs to understand what happened in China." He called on the United States and China to start negotiations on a new fundamental agreement.Essence

The Chinese Embassy in the United States said that China had been exposed to the United States for discussing renewal issues a year ago.Embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu said: "As far as we know, the United States is still conducting internal review on the renewal agreement ... I hope the United States will be completed before the limited time."

Liu Pengyu added that the two parties may consider adjusting the original agreement.