After the German sports brand Adidas was resisted by Chinese consumers two years ago by the Xinjiang cotton incident, Adidas was trying to repair the company's image in China to reverse the situation of seven consecutive quarters of China's performance.

According to the Wall Street Journal of the United States on Wednesday (May 24), Xiao Jiale began to focus on repairing his own image after he served as the new Chinese business leader in Adidas in 2022.Xiao Jiale said that Adidas California has attracted attention to sports because the Chinese government wants to encourage the whole people to participate in more sports.

Since the outbreak of Xinjiang cotton disputes, Adidas has begun to sponsor some activities with the background of the Chinese government, and also supports official cultural and sports projects, including assisting in the production of a TV show to praise Chinese sports heroes.The company is also working with Chinese sports stars to develop more products specifically targeted at local consumers and seek to improve the relationship with China and their consumers.

In 2021, Adidas joined the ranks of many Western companies such as HM and Nike (Nike). After promising not to use cotton from Xinjiang, China, it caused Chinese consumers to resist and paid a market share.The cost of reduced sales.According to company executives, about 35 Chinese stars who have worked with Adidas immediately clarified the relationship with the brand.

But the cooperation between Adidas and government agencies such as the China Athletics and Field Association showed that the company's efforts to repair the image have won the first of high -level officials.Adidas and the China Athletics Association cooperated with a series of track and field events to promote track and field movements in the urban area.

The company also sponsored some large -scale events, including the recent Shanghai Half Marathon. In the competition, Adidas' three -way bar logo was placed in a conspicuous position.Compared with the 2021 situation, this sponsorship was a major change. At that time, due to Xinjiang cotton storms, the organizer refused to distribute the Adidas brand's T -shirt.

In recent months, Adidas has successively established cooperative relationships with a number of Chinese sports stars, which is the first time since its local partner's collective termination in 2021.The new sports stars with Adidas include Wu Yizheng, a tennis star who won the Dallas Open in February this year, and Su Yiming, who won the ski -ski gold medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics last year.

Adidas also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Chinese Literature and Art Foundation to sponsor culture and sports through the foundation.These activities include large and middle school projects, as well as helping a national television documentary, focusing on the pioneers in the field of sports and education in the 20th century.

Xiao Jiale said that 2023 is the year of Adidas' transformation in China.He said that after two years of silence, Adidas needs to be regarded as a valuable brand.