After more than a month, the Chinese official's network security review of the American chip manufacturer Micron finally landed on the boot.Last Sunday (May 21), the National Internet Information Office of China (May 21) required domestic key information infrastructure operators to stop purchasing Micron's products.

As early as when the Internet Information Office announced a network security review of Micron, the outside world expected this result.However, Beijing's decision is still attracted much attention, because this is the first time that the Sino -US chip has been fighting for four years. The first counterattack in China, which has been in the weak, also marked the further upgrade of the two superpowers' fighting in the field of science and technology.

When the chip war between China and the United States, when Trump served as the president of the United States in 2019, on the grounds of national security, the leading Chinese technology company Huawei and its chip design company HisiliControllings are prohibited from providing products and technology to companies on the list without authorization.

After the current President Bayeng came to power, Washington further strengthened the encirclement of the Chinese chip field, not only included more Chinese companies in the control list, restricting foreign companies to export chips to China to use American technology, but also forbid American citizens and green card holdings.For specific Chinese chip companies, work from equipment to technology to talents, and block the upgrade of Chinese chips in all directions.

Faced with chip technology far ahead of the United States, the countermeasures that China can adopt is to use market advantages to combat American companies.Although the Chinese market accounted for only 11 % of Meiguang's overall revenue last year, the news of being blocked still caused the company's stock price to fluctuate.After the news was released, the stock price before the US CD fell 6.8 %, the largest decline since November last year.

From the perspective of the industry, the warning significance for Meiguang's punishment is greater than substantial significance. It does not rule out that China will further improve the punishment in the future and expand the scope of countermeasures.This makes public opinion more concerned. When the chip war is upgraded by unilaterally to fight between the two sides, who will benefit from it and who is the last winner?

The significance of the huge Chinese market is beyond the significance of American technology companies.Last year, 27%of Intel's revenue came from China, and as many as 64%of Qualcomm's revenue contributed by the Chinese market.China ’s surgery of Micron has caused other American scientific companies to be disturbed, which has also caused Washington to rebound.Gragell, chairman of the House of Representatives China Issues Special Committee, called on the Bayeng government to take revenge this week to implement trade restrictions on Chinese storage chip manufacturer Changxin.

But there are also analytics that the countermeasures in China by blocking the market are "killing the enemy a thousand and damageing 800".Sanctioning U.S. companies will make it more difficult to attract foreign capital, making the road of economic recovery after the Chinese epidemic that is already resistant to China.

After China's ban on the Ban Micron's ban, they would also explain their concerns at the same time in Huaguang.Michael Hart, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, said that local US companies were worried that they would become the next target of the next blockade.Jorg Wuttke, chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce, called on European companies to observe the situation closely and evaluate the potential risks of the Sino -US scientific and technological war on the supply chain of enterprises.

In addition, although there are analysis, it is optimistic that the purchase of Micron's products will promote the domestic alternative process of Chinese storage chips, but chip development is a long -term investment that takes at least five to 10 years. Before breaking through the "card neck" of technology, Chinese companies must wantHow to solve the problem of "lack of core" in front of you?The limitation of mobile phone chip technology has caused Huawei to have fell sharply from 19 % to 4 % during the peak of the global mobile phone. It has not restored its vitality to this day.

It is worth noting that when Micron's stock price fell, its competitors -South Korea's Samsung and Hemori stock prices rose.As a result, it is believed that South Korea will take the advantage of fishermen in the Sino -US chip war.

The Financial Times quoted the statement last month, saying that the United States asked South Korea to urge chip manufacturers not to increase sales of China and fill the vacancy of market vacancies caused by the banned products.However, South Korean officials said on Monday (May 22) that the follow -up of Korean companies should be judged by the enterprise by themselves.

In the short term, South Korean companies may indeed get Lili from Micron's absence and become a substitute for Micron.But as an American allies, they are also difficult to expand in China regardless of US pressure.The increasing power of the United States and China is increasing, and Korean chip manufacturers are more likely to fall into a dilemma.

The Sino -US scientific and technological warfare headed by chips will be difficult to predict in the future.It is certain that the chip industry of the two countries will accelerate the decoupling, and the global semiconductor market will also bear shocks. People in the industry are not happy to see it.

Jimmy Goodrich, vice chairman of the US Semiconductor Association, emphasized this week's interview with Chinese media financial new interviews that the chip industry is a global industry. Semiconductor innovation requires the industry to maintain globalization.Produced all chips alone. "

The advent of

ChatGPT marks the new stage of artificial intelligence development, and further scientific and technological innovation needs to be supported by more powerful chips.If countries can play their strengths and cooperate with their strengths to create a smooth industrial chain and supply chain, it will help to make breakthroughs in chip technology faster, and the production capacity of the chip will increase significantly.

However, reality always runs counter to the ideal.The day before the release of the Meicuang ban in China, the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7), led by the United States, just released a communiqué at the leadership summit. On the issues of Taiwan, South China, and economic coercion, the sword refers to China.pattern.The Sino -US chip war against this big background is likely to be a long -term duel without winners, but it cannot be avoided.