(Washington Comprehensive News) The new Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng arrived at the United States to Xinxin and filled this vacant position for a long time.Xie Feng admits that there are profound differences in China and the United States, and the relationship between the two countries has suffered serious difficulties and faces severe challenges.

According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng arrived in New York on Tuesday time (May 23) on Tuesday time (May 23) and arrived in Washington in the evening.

He said in a speech to Chinese and foreign media at the Chinese Embassy that defending China's interests is his sacred duty and enhanced Sino -US exchanges and cooperation. He will also fight for Sino -US relations to return to the right track.

Xie Feng said: "Needless to say, there are profound differences in China and the United States, and the relationship between the two countries has suffered serious difficulties and faces severe challenges."

He said that today's Sino -US relations are so large that they can't fall, they are both advantages, and fighting will hurt and will cause the world to suffer.Whether China and the United States can deal with each other's relationship will determine the tomorrow and the future of the two countries and the future of the world.

Xie Feng has been appointed as the Chinese Foreign Minister and returned to China in early January this year to replace Qin Gang on December 30 last year to serve as the twelfth ambassador to the United States in China.

Reuters on Wednesday (May 24) said that after a long vacancy of the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Beijing finally sent someone to let it be, which helped fight back the criticism of the Chinese government's call for strengthening contact.

Public information shows that Xie Feng, 59, graduated from the Chinese Academy of Foreign Affairs, joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986 to participate in work in the United States for a long time.In 2000, he was sent as a counselor and spokesman in the Chinese Embassy in the United States.In 2003, Xie Feng returned to China as the Counselor and Deputy Director of China -US Foreign Diplomacy and Deputy Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.In 2008, he was fluent in English and went to the United States again to serve as the envoy of the Chinese Embassy in the United States. He had rich experience in US diplomacy.

From 2014 to 2021, Xie Feng was appointed as a Chinese ambassador to Indonesia and a special agent in Hong Kong.Before he went to the United States, he was the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China. He was in charge of policy planning, North American Oceania and Latin America affairs and translation.

According to Reuters, US State Department spokesman Miller said on the 23rd that Xie Feng is welcome.The US ambassador to China Burns said in Twitter on the 24th that he held a dinner for Xie Feng.Bernus claimed that he and Xie Feng met many challenges for Sino -US relations 23 times in the past year and two months.

Bonnie Glaser, an American think tank expert, analyzed from Reuters that China finally decided to send Xie Feng to prevent some efforts of "spiral deterioration" in bilateral relations.She said that Xie Feng, as a diplomat familiar with American decision makers, is capable of promoting better communication between China and the United States if he is willing.