Former US President Trump was charged with forged commercial records, Criminal cases of concealing the sealing fee paid to the porn actress next year will be set next year next year next year next year next yearTrial in March.

This means that Trump, who is struggling to enter the White House again, will control the court when the presidential election is fully played.

Reuters reported that the New York Manhattan Court announced on Tuesday (May 23) that Trump's criminal case will begin interrogation on March 25 next year.Trump attended the hearing in Florida that day.

Next spring is Trump and other Republican opponents throughout the country to strive for sprints nominated within the party.

Judge Juan Manuel Merchaan, the judge in charge of this trial, said Trump can publicly talk about his criminal cases.Witnesses are not allowed to spread the case -related evidence to third parties or social media.

Trump paid a sealing fee of $ 130,000 (approximately $ 173,500) in exchange for her to the two during the 2016 campaign.The past is absolutely not mentioned.On March 30 this year, the New York Judgment decided to sue Trump, making Trump the first step -out president to face criminal prosecution in the history of the United States.

Trump said that this was "the highest level of political persecution and election intervention."