(Washington News) US media said that China is stealing its own satellite Internet network to compete with the Starlink (Starlink) of the American Space Exploration Technology Company (SpaceX).The Russian -U -U -U -Wars' military applications showed their hands.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the reasons behind China ’s step -by -step construction of the construction of the satellite Internet network is that the tensions of geopolitics are heating up and the risk of concern about the saturation of key rail resources.one.

At present, China is building a new launch site. With the entry of new state -owned and private enterprises, China's satellite industry has grown.However, in order to build its own satellite broadband network, it is also facing various difficulties, including limited launch capacity and technical obstacles.

Chinese private enterprise Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. plans to develop a rocket, which can carry up to 60 satellites in one launch.Effective loads are roughly equal.

Tianbing Technology successfully sent a liquid fuel rocket to the track last month, which took an important step towards a reusable carrier rocket built in China.

SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell said at an event earlier this month that China has no rockets that can be reused, but she thinks China will soon achieve this goal.

Some researchers predict that China's satellite constellations will constitute a major challenge to the United States' strong leading position in the global satellite market.A report from the US Think Tank Strategy and International Issues Research Center (CSIS) stated in December last year that China may bind satellite broadband connecting with the “Belt and Road” initiative.

The report said that Pakistan and Egypt rely on Chinese countries such as digital infrastructure to incorporate China's satellite Internet into their own network.In addition, China's economic influence in many economies will also make it capable of hinder the economy using American services.