(Hanoi / Beijing Reuters) A Chinese Ocean Scientific Survey Ship and five frigates enter the Vietnam exclusive economic zone, near the Russian company's natural gas block operating in the South China Sea.Vietnam's official Thursday (May 25) asked Chinese ships to leave, and the Chinese ships had not left the next day.

Powell, the head of the project of the South China Hai Miaosu Project of Stanford University in the United States, said Powell, who said that the No. 10 Boat of the China Xiangyang Red began in the Vietnam exclusive economic zone on May 7, which is the worst invasion since 2019.He said that China's behavior and Vietnam's response are worried about the situation upgrade.

China and Vietnam broke out at sea confrontation in July 2019. At that time, the PetroChina Exploration Ship Marine Geological No. 8 entered the Wanan Beach of the Nansha Islands and was accused of invading its exclusive economic zone by Vietnam.

China claims to have almost the entire southern China seawater area, including areas in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam.

According to the ship tracking data based on the independent non -profit organization "South China Sea Chronicle Initiative", within a few weeks after May 7, Xiangyanghong 10 sometimes passes through the joint venture between Vietnam and Russia under the accompaniment of more than a dozen vessels.Enterprise Vietsovpet's 04-03 natural gas block, and often crosses the 132 and 131 blocks of Vietnam-Russia joint venture Vietgazprom.China has bid for 132 and 131 blocks.

Vietnam rarely issued a public statement on Thursday, requiring Chinese ships to leave the Vietnam exclusive economic zone.

Mao Ning: Boat activities legitimate legal China has sovereignty over the waters of the Nansha Islands

In response to this incident, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at the regular press conference on Friday that China has sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and its nearby waters, and has sovereignty rights and jurisdiction over related sea areas."China's related vessels carry out normal activities in the jurisdiction of the country, and there is no problem with the problem of entering the waters of other countries or the exclusive economic zone."

According to international standards, vessels can cross the exclusive economic zone of other countries, but for a long time, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia have claimed to have some sovereignty in the South China Sea and believe that China's maritime operations are hostile.

Powell said on Friday that two Vietnamese fishing vessels followed Chinese ships at a distance of 200 meters to 300 meters, and these Chinese vessels were transferred to the natural gas block operated by Russia.