After the US President Biden declared that Sino -US relations "quickly thawed", the Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao, the Chinese Minister of Commerce, would visit the United States and the new Chinese ambassador to the United States to the United States, and the US ambassador to China Boyis also arrivedVisit in Chengdu, various signs show that they are thawing and preparing.

The United States closed the Consulate General in Houston 72 hours on July 21, 2020, and then announced the withdrawal of the establishment and operation of the US Consulate General in Chengdu.After that incident, the US Ambassador to China did not publicly set foot in Chengdu again.

Scholars of interviewees believe that Bernus's trip to Chengdu can be regarded as a vane of improvement of Sino -US relations.

Burns Sunday (May 21) and Monday passed special push, and released the news that he arrived in Chengdu with high profile and met with the Chinese American Chamber of Commerce.He said: "When fighting for fair treatment for our company, they meet and understand their challenges in the world's second largest economy, which is very important."

Bernus transferred from Chengdu to Chongqing on Tuesday.When Bernus activities were in the western China, Politico, a U.S. political news website, quoted people familiar with the matter that the new Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng arrived in Washington as soon as possible on Tuesday.

Since the previous Chinese ambassador to the United States, Qin Gang returned to Beijing to serve as Foreign Minister at the beginning of the year, Xie Feng, who has taken over Qin Gang, has not been new to the United States, and is also regarded as one of the signals of Sino -US relations.

Scholars in Singapore, Taiwan, and mainland China interpreted in interviews that Sino -US relations are currently developing in a positive direction.Both sides are both competitive and cooperative, and they are willing to improve their relationships. However, because they need to meet domestic listeners, they sometimes say and do inconsistent with them. The bilateral relations are subtle and fragile, but the overall is still fighting.

Chen Gang, deputy director of the East Asia Research Institute and senior researcher of the State University of Singapore, pointed out in a interview with Lianhe Morning Post that China and the United States have official contact.Beginning with Wang Yi, the director of the CPC Central Committee Foreign Affairs Office, and the US President's National Security Affairs Assistant, Shalvin met in Vienna, the two sides have at least replaced the "Decomposition" with "De-Risking".

Professor Zuo Zhengdong, a professor at the Department of Political Science, Taiwan University, described that both China and the United States are currently careful, step by step, and tentatively in contact. Bernes visiting Chengdu is a method of tentative improvement.

Zuo Zhengdong analyzed that Bernes went to Chengdu to appease American businessmen. Wang Wentao also went to Shanghai on Monday to shout to US -funded representatives, which is in line with China's hopes to attract more foreign companies to invest. "This is a mutually beneficial and forThe process of win -win. "

Xiao Hongde, a researcher at Chengdu University, pointed out that Sino -US relations have been undergoing "dynamic adjustments", and the two major powers occasionally fight and make trouble, but they know that they need to live peacefully.At present, we are understanding each other's bottom line and red line. As long as they can respect each other's interests, they are still expected to maintain a "competitive relationship".

However, the possibility of interviewees' possibility of reorganizing China and the United States in Houston and the Chengdu Consulate General was not too optimistic.

Chen Gang believes that it is not impossible to restore the operation of Houston and the Consulate General of Houston and Chengdu, but to do it during the term of Biden, the time is relatively urgent.

Luo Minghui, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Global Affairs Curriculum of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, also believes that it is symbolic that Bernes to Chengdu is very active in China and also visit Wuhan and other places.OK.

Luo Minghui cautiously treats Sino -US relations to the normalization of normalization, because small episodes like balloon incidents may still happen, and Taiwan will hold a general election next January, which will have a great impact on the development of Sino -US relations.