China's semiconductor science and technology war upgrade, Beijing officially announced that the product of Micron Technology (Micron) failed to pass China's network security censorship and required Chinese operators to prohibit procurement.The United States immediately responded to cooperation with allies to deal with the problem of distortion of the storage chip market caused by China's measures.

Experts and scholars interviewed believe that this move in China can be understood as China's retaliation of US -controlled semiconductor exports, but it is just a counterattack that takes care of the overall situation.

The news released by the National Internet Information Office on Sunday (21st) of the National Internet Information Office stated that after review, it was found that Micron's products had more serious network security issues, which caused major security risks to the supply chain of key information infrastructure in China and affecting national security.As a result, the China Internet Information Office requires operators of key information infrastructure in China to stop purchasing Meiguang products.Micron is the largest memory chip manufacturer in the United States.

The US Department of Commerce stated in a statement that China ’s restrictions on Micron’ s “no factual basis”, Washington will continue to work with allies to limit the interference in the industry.

China said six weeks ago that it will conduct network security censorship on Micron.After the online information office announced the results of the review, Miguang expressed his hope to continue to discuss with Chinese officials.Micron's stock price fell 6.8%before (22nd), a decline in the largest market since November last year; while some Chinese chip manufacturers' stock prices rose after the opening on the 22nd.

The technology industry has become the main battlefield of the national security dispute between China and the United States. The United States included a number of Chinese companies on the blacklist, cutting off the channels of China ’s key chip technology, and prohibiting American citizens from providing help to the Chinese chip industry.

Professor Yin Hong, director of the American Research Center of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the United States implemented new restrictions on Huawei in May 2019.The American chip manufacturer, which can cause national risks, proves that China is more patient.

Shi Yinhong said: "China has just started to fight back, not only to leave a relationship with the United States, but also a big emotion. This is the first time. As for whether it will be selectively expanded to other industries in the future, it will be completely expanded to other industries.Possible. "

The State Cyber Information Office of China has not specifically pointed out which products of Micron have been banned.Dr. Dong Yuzhen, former vice president of the Singapore Politics Federation, said in an interview that the Chinese government's punishment did not include the field of consumer market, but the key information infrastructure that concentrated in the high proportion of Meiguang.The main suppliers of such facilities such as Huawei, ZTE, and Inspur, servers, servers, and supercomputing suppliers have long been included in the sanctions list by the United States, so this punishment is symbolic.

Dong Yuzhen said: "In the past year, the global storage chip market was too required, unlike the shortage of supply as 2020. At that time, although Chinese companies were targeted at the United States, China was more cautious in counterattack in the United States and did not take countermeasures.Measures. "

He believes that China uses political means to deal with a enterprise, hoping to minimize the negative impact, and to handle this matter from a standpoint of harmony.

The United States' siege measures for Chinese chip imports have prompted China to accelerate its own chip development.Dong Yuzhen, who has research and industrial experience in the field of science and engineering in semiconductors, pointed out that 40%of China's equipment in mature chips has achieved localization, which has greatly reduced its dependence on the United States.As for high -level process chips, China has invested many research. There should be breakthroughs in the next five years and the longest 10 years, and it will greatly reduce its dependence on the United States.