China requires domestic key information infrastructure operators to stop purchasing American US -optical products, and it will be uneasy in the Chinese European and American businessmen.The Chinese American Chamber of Commerce said that many members were worried that they would encounter similar situations, and the EU Chamber of Commerce called on European merchants to evaluate the impact of the possibility of the US -China science and technology competition in the supply chain and respond early.

Michael Hart, President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Michael Hart, on Monday (May 22) in writing, in an interview with VOA, American businessmen are worried that they will become the next target of China to block in China.Essence

The Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce Chairman J? RG Wuttke told the Voice of America that Micron's case may increase the supply chain pressure.

Woodker said that the Chamber of Commerce issued a report in January 2021, proposing that if countries intend to decompose with China's economic decourse to the company's operations may bring.He said that in the past few years, in the past few years, whether it is geopolitics or epidemic -related factors, it has highlighted the vulnerability of the global supply chain, including the impact of chip shorts on the company.

We must observe the situation closely, evaluate the risks that Sino -US science and technology competition may bring to their supply chain, and formulate countermeasures.

China Internet Correspondence Network was announced on the week (May 21) that Micron's products have more serious network security issues, causing major security risks to China's key information infrastructure supply chainThe Safety Centers Office made a conclusion that it will not pass the network security censorship for this and says: "Operators of key information infrastructure in China should stop purchasing Micron's products."