(Jakarta Comprehensive Electric) Indonesia President Zoko Sky on Tuesday (May 23) signed a special trade agreement with the visiting Iranian President Leiti on behalf of the two countries, showing that the two Muslims' population accounts for the majority of countriesStrengthen economic cooperation in global geopolitical challenges.Iran hopes to expand the economic and trade channels to reduce the pressure from European and American sanctions.

Iran and Indonesia are not the main trading partners of each other, so Laish's visit has attracted much attention.This is the first visit to Indonesia since Laishi, on August 3, 2021, and has visited Iran in 2016.

Laish's invitation this time, on Tuesday and Wednesday (May 23, 24) for two days in Indonesia.Zokko signed 10 agreements with Laish's presidential palace in Maowu, West Java on Tuesday, including special trade agreements, as well as energy, pharmaceutical care products, food, customs cooperation, bilateral trade facilitation, technology, culture and other fieldsCooperation agreement.

Laish said at a joint press conference after the signing ceremony: "We believe that sanctions and threats cannot stop us, and cooperation and partnerships with neighbors, Muslim countries, and countries with our views.The primary goal. "

Iranian President: I hope that the trade volume of the two countries can reach $ 20 billion

He hopes that the agreement will allow the trade volume of Iran and Indonesia to reach $ 20 billion (S $ 26.9 billion) and trade with their respective currencies.

Data from the Ministry of Trade in Indonesia showed that the trade volume between Indonesia and Iran from January to March 2023 was US $ 54.1 million. The bilateral trade volume of the two countries increased by more than 23%from 2021 to $ 23%to $ 257 millionEssenceIn other words, Iran hopes that the special trade agreement will increase the amount of bilateral trade by nearly a hundred times.

According to the website of the Iranian Labor News Agency, Rich also said that 2023 is the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Iran and Indonesia. The two countries have cooperated happily in various fields such as politics, economy, business, region or international.He also hopes that Zoko can visit Tehran.

According to the Jakarta Global Daily website, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Indonesia invited Laich to visit, hoping to accelerate the economic recovery of Indonesia after the crown disease epidemic.

Director of the Director of Director of the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, Soni, said that Iran is not a traditional trading partner in Indonesia.Indonesia hopes to expand its market and export opportunities in the Middle East and Iran through this special trade agreement.

Jamico, director of the International Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Trade in Indonesia, also revealed that the two countries also agreed that the goods and services of each other could be "ease", avoiding the restrictions on "difficulty in foreign exchange transactions or scarce foreign exchange).In other words, Iran is not easy to obtain major currencies such as the US dollar due to sanctions from European and American countries, so the two countries will not trade with these major currencies.