(Washington/Beijing Comprehensive News) In response to the US President Biden said that Sino -US relations will soon be improved, hoping to open more communication channels with China, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the United States that the United States intends to strengthen communication, but continues to target China for ChinaQuestioning the sincerity and significance of the United States for communication.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning Monday (May 22) pointed out at a regular press conference that the United States said that he would communicate with China and impose sanctions on Chinese officials, institutions and enterprises. SheWhat is the sincere and meaning of such communication.

Mao Ning said that the United States should immediately revoke sanctions and take practical actions to clear obstacles to dialogue communication, create atmosphere, and create favorable conditions.

Bayeng told reporters to reporters after the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit last Sunday (21st) that the relationship between Washington and Beijing should "soon" can start thawing, and described it earlier this year.The balloon event is "stupid".

Biden also said that it is considering the dismissal of the sanctions against the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu, suggesting that it will pave the way for the two countries' defense ministers.Regarding the specific arrangements of high -level exchanges between the two countries, Mao Ning responded that "there is no message to be provided."

According to Reuters, the G7 leader issued a joint communique at the summit last Saturday (20th) to point his spearheads to mainland China on issues such as Taiwan, China Sea, Nuclear Military Army, Economic Stress, and Human Rights.G7 mentioned 20 times in this year's bulletin, which is the most in recent years, more than 14 times last year.

China expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the G7's communiqué, and proposed to the host meeting in Japan.The Social Comment on Sunday, the Chinese official media, has also been severely approved by the G7.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Sun Weidong, summoned the Japanese ambassador to China on Sunday and criticized the G7 to adhere to the corporation of confrontation and the Cold War thinking.

Sun Weidong said that the Japanese side, as the G7 round -value chairman, has discredited China in the summit activities and joint declarations, and interfered in China's internal affairs rudely, violated the basic principles of international law and the spirit of the four political documents of China and Japan, and harmed Chinese sovereignty.Safety and development benefits.

According to the website of the Japanese Embassy in China, the Dangxiufu responded in a statement that the G7 has a reason for the joint communiqué about China. If China does not change its behavior, the G7 will propose together with the same concern."This is natural, and it may not change in the future."

British Prime Minister Sonak Sunday also said that China is also the biggest challenge for China today's global security and prosperity. The G7 will adopt a common policy "risk" to prevent China from using economic coercion.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the UK responded on Monday, "The above -mentioned remarks of the British side are purely a parrot tongue, which is a malicious slander that completely violates the facts. China resolutely opposes this and strongly condemns."