(Bangkok News) Thai economic analysts expressed disturbing the political situation after the election. It is believed that the delay in the formation of a new government will cause foreign investors to lose confidence and continue to sell Thai stocks, affecting Thailand's economic growth.

Sora Pu, senior vice president of Kaitai Securities Company, told the Bangkok Post that the front party who won the most seats in the May 14th election can get more than half of the upper and lower courtyards of Congress (ie at least 376 seats) in orderThe leader of the party is still unknown to be the Prime Minister.If the Government of the Government Organization is failed, it will set up a new government for the Thai Party by winning the second number of seats.

The unclear political situation after being elected has led to foreign investors have sold Thai stocks and bonds with a total value of 25 billion baht (about S $ 975 million) in total since May 15.

Sora Pu said that even if a political party can win the support of 376 votes, the next House can only meet in August."If it is postponed until October, the new government will be established. This year's GDP will decrease by 0.1%."

Sora Pu also pointed out that if the party successfully established a new government, large listed companies in Thailand's power, telecommunications and other fields are worried that the franchise rights they currently enjoy may not be guaranteed, and "the worst situation is that if street demonstration occurs, street demonstrations occur.Foreigners will lose confidence in investing in Thailand. "

Tham Plus Securities Executive Vice President Tedsa said that Thai's current public debt accounts for relatively high proportion of Thailand, accounting for 61%of the total annual economic growth.7%to 10%10 years ago.However, most political parties, including policies proposed by political parties that may form a new government, require a lot of funds, and I am afraid that it will further weaken the state's finance.

He said: "I hope to see a policy that can enable the country to achieve long -term economic stability and help the people obtain a reliable source of income. This may include investing in infrastructure and logistics."

Thailand's business field has called on the new government to appropriately appoint leaders to come to the economic department, especially the Ministry of Finance, and they hope to see that the country can continue to improve in challenges at home and abroad.

Jiang Gai, chairman of the Thai Industry Federation, said that the governing alliance should appoint the economy to lead the national economy to enter the right track.Essence

The APPPC and the Thai Party promised that if it comes to power, it will increase the minimum wage.Jiang Gai said that, in view of the high inflation, the Industrial Federation will not oppose raising wages, but hopes that the increase in wages is gradual and linked to the skill level of the workers.

He also pointed out that Thailand currently faces many economic challenges, including high energy prices and global economic recessions caused by high energy prices and geopolitical conflicts.Thailand's major trading partners such as China, the United States, and Europe are in a geopolitical conflict. Thailand may be forced to choose a border station. The new government must understand how to position Thailand.

There are seven members of the Economic Team of the Party, including the deputy leader of the Minister of Finance, Similiga.For Thai party's economic team, there are heavyweights such as Bangming, a assistant to the former Prime Minister Daxin, the real estate tycoon virtue, and the former chairman of Thailand's National Petroleum Corporation.