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(Morning News) Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi said that the Chinese mainland China ’s test missiles in the Taiwan Strait“ seriously impact Japan ’s national security”, and Japan and the United States will jointly maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

A comprehensive report by Agence France -Presse and Reuters, the American House of Representatives Perlis, Perosi, met with Kishida Wenxiong and went to breakfast at the official residence of the Japanese Prime Minister on Friday (August 5).

In the media, Kishida Wenxiong said to the media after the breakfast meeting, saying that the Chinese side conducted missile testing as "a serious problem" and "impacts Japan's national security and citizen security."

Kishida Wenxiong said that on the occasion of large -scale military training operations around the Taiwan Strait, Japan and the United States will work together to maintain the peace and stability of the important channel of the Taiwan Strait.

Kishida Wenxiong said: "I told Speaker Pelossey that Chinese ballistic missiles landed near Japanese waters, including the Japanese exclusive economic zone, threatened our national security and security, and Japan strongly condemned such actions.. "

He and Pelossi confirmed that" the two countries will continue to cooperate closely to jointly maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. "Persist in visiting Taiwan, which triggered a strong protest in Beijing.After Pelosi left Taipei on the 3rd, all the six important military training operations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army surrounding Taiwan's six important military training operations Cross the midline of the Taiwan Strait A total of 11 Dongfeng missiles launched in the ministry, eastern and southeast.

Among themexclusive economic zone.

Kyodo Society quoted officials of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the Japanese government filed a strong protest to the Chinese side on the 4th through foreign channels.The southernmost tip of Japan is closer to Taiwan than Tokyo.

The Japanese government has previously warned that the threat of Japanese national security composition of Japan's national security has continued to rise.

In addition, the foreign ministers of the Seventh -way Group (G7) and other Seventh -way Group (G7) and the senior representative of the EU diplomacy and security policy issued a statement on the 3rd to express concerns about the military exercises announced by mainland China and the economic coercion of Taiwan, and urged the economic coercion of Taiwan and urged the economic coercion of Taiwan.China should not unilaterally change the status quo of the region in force, but to solve cross -strait differences through peaceful ways.Japan is also a member of the G7.

Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference on the 4th that China no longer arranges that the China -Japan Foreign Minister meets in the Phnom Penh in the Cambodian capital because the Japanese and the EU have accused China of unreasonable accusations of China.The joint statement, reversing black and white, opened the eyes for the United States' infringement of Chinese sovereignty.In this regard, the Chinese people are extremely dissatisfied. Japan has historical crimes on the Taiwan issue. There is no qualification to say three or four on Taiwan.

The 55th Asian Foreign Minister Meeting and Series Meeting opened on August 3 in Phnom Penh. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng attended the Asian Foreign Minister Series Conference.