(Morning News) Perlis Gao, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited Taiwan.) The trial of the Taiwan policy bill was postponed.People familiar with the matter pointed out that the Bayeng government in the United States is trying to lobby Democratic Senators to avoid the passage of this new bill.

Comprehensive Reuters and Central News Agency reported that the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee was scheduled to be tried on Wednesday afternoon.The Taiwan Policy Act proposed by Lianhe, but temporarily delayed the review bill on the grounds that Mer Nertee must participate in the court's matters.

It is reported that Mermanent and Grae proposed an attempt to reshape the Taiwan policy bill, which plans to list Taiwan as "Major Non-Nato Ally" and in the future.In Taiwan, it provided foreign military financing of $ 4.5 billion (about S $ 6.2 billion).The new bill also proposes to give priority to and speed up the military sales of Taiwan until Congress determined that the threat of Taiwan has decreased significantly.

The legislative work is postponed to September or a modification

People familiar with the matter revealed that the Bayeng government in the United States is trying to lobby Democratic Senators to avoid the passage of this new bill.Senator Murphy, a member of the Democratic Democrat and Senate Foreign Relations Committee from Connecticut, said: "The White House has significant concerns ... I also have significant concerns." Murphy said that the Foreign Relations Committee will postpone the legislative work until September, and it may do it.Revise.

It is reported that the Bayeon government has worked hard to cope with the increasingly increased Chinese and American friction, and Perlus's visit to Taiwan this week has exacerbated a tension.Chinese President Xi Jinping also warned the United States to "self-immolation" on the issue of Taiwan on July 28. .

Mermaner, who proposed to modify the Taiwan Policy Act, is a severe critic in China.He said in a column of the New York Times on Wednesday that the US strategy must focus on "deterrence and restricting Beijing's problems."

Mer Nerous Des wrote: "As China is in all levels of national security, we have challenged us in military, economic, diplomatic, and values.Our country has the ability to defend Taiwan in the next decades. "

Grae also rebuked the White House to try to obstruct the bill and say" this is a misjudgment of how to maintain world order. "Grae said: "They take the weakest route every time. If you put this in the Senate, it will pass with an overwhelming advantage."