01 Viewpoint

Thailand's demonstrations have not been calmed for more than three months. By Wednesday (14th), multiple groups also launch large -scale demonstrations in honor of the name of 1973, and put forward the demands of the prime minister's step -down and the reform royal family.When the team was approaching the masses, many people also shouted my taxes to indicate that they were dissatisfied with the public to support the royal family.The people's attitude towards the royal family was so thoroughly reversed after the first king Pipchon's collapse, and it was still the fact that the current Thai king failed to play a role in stabilizing society and morality like his father.

With the deterioration of the situation, the Thai authorities announced that Bangkok entered an emergency on Thursday (15th). It is strictly forbidden to rally more than five people, and it is forbidden to report and publish news that caused uneasiness or harm the country.Soon after the measures were implemented, the authorities immediately sent a riot police to clear the field and arrested 22 people.Essence

People are banned and criticized the King of Thailand

Although Thailand had occurred in the past, the main demands of the demonstrators were not only required the Prime Minister to step down and disrupt the re -election of the parliament, and even required to rewrite the constitution that was fixed in 2017 and ended the intimidation of the disagreements.It is worth noting that they did not avoid the taboos of the royal family this time, but many people called for the reform of the monarchy.Even though the Thai Criminal Code has an insulting royal sin, the maximum penalty is as high as 15 years, but there is still no obstructive demonstrator to openly criticize the current king of Thailand.

In other words, the style of Wajira Longgong is indeed very different from his father.When it comes to the current Thai king, most people are inseparable from the obscenity and luxury, because their private life is extremely exciting. He has not only had four marriages, but also was accused of adultery by his former wife.He followed in a hotel in a hotel in the UK to let the then princess exposed to feed the love dogs on the side wearing thongs.In contrast, Kajiralonki has no performance in public affairs. After he ascending the throne, he not only shifted all the royal assets to his name, but also brought 20 concubines to Germany to avoid during the epidemic popularity.Epidemic.

In comparison, the image of the first king Pillopon will look healthy and more sent.As the longest rule in Thailand's history, Promho has left the country for more than 70 years, and has visited remote rural areas from time to time.The most impressed among them is the role of the political mediation person. In 1973 and 1992, the two involved in political bleeding conflict came forward to mediate the differences and successfully prevented the crisis from deepening the crisis. In additionLet the students involved in the protests go to their palace for a temporary shelter.After the collapse, even if the public mourning period of 30 days had passed, many people on the street still wore black or tied a black ribbon to show their memory, which shows that the public's high support for him.

Under the constitutional monarchy system, even though the king had retired from the role of the governor, his social functions still cannot be underestimated.As a spiritual leader of a country, the monarch can still make a decision when the country is in crisis. This is the centripetal force that maintains the different levels from different levels.Moral cultivation is also an important source of its appeal, that is, the spirit of the so -called self -cultivation, Qi family, governing the country, and peaceful world.Jun mainly becomes a model model for the ultra -detached world, so that everyone can make everyone the first.It is the problem of difficulties in the political situation in Thailand. The monarch itself has also become a part of the problem. He is unable to do a good job of being a spiritual leader of the people, which leads to the context of the world's government.