(Morning News) The Russian army's artillery fire hit a bus station at Toretsk, a front line in eastern Ukraine.

Agence France -Presse reported that Kirilianko, the head of the Donetsk region controlled by Ukraine on Thursday (August 4), said: "According to the preliminary information, the artillery fire hit a station.People are present. "

He released news through social media that the wounded included three children.

At the occasion of the attack, Kiev ordered civilians to leave the Donetsk area, which suffered a fire.Kirilianko wrote: "I call on all residents in the district: don't let yourself be the goal of the Russians! Pollow in time!"

Ukrainian officials said that Russia has a intensive attack on multiple front -line cities.The mayor of the southern city of MYKOLAIV said that the early morning shells caused residential buildings in two regions to damage.

In addition, officials from Kharki in the northeast city said that the missiles launched from Russia have crossed the border and hit the industrial zone.