(Phnom Penh French Xindian) The 55th Asian Foreign Minister Meeting was held on Wednesday (August 3) in Phnom Penh in the Cambodian capital, and Perosi, the president of the US House of Representatives, visited Taiwan to become the focus of the meeting.

A spokesman for Ya'an and the deputy foreign minister of Cambodia, Kangfu, said that the Foreign Minister of Asia will seek to ease the tension and stabilize the situation in the Taiwan Strait, "avoid the political popularity between the parties and the conflict of the outbreak."

The 10 countries of Yajia'an do not recognize Taiwan's sovereignty. At present, it is unclear. What measures may Asia in Asia can alleviate the China -US diplomatic crisis.

Wang Yi and Brinken will attend the meeting whether the two will interact with much attention

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US Secretary of State Brosky will attend a series of conferences on the 4th and 5th. Whether the two will have interaction will attract much attention.However, officials of the United States State Department said that Brincken had no plans to meet with Wang Yi or Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in Cambodia.

Wang Yi said in an interview in Cambodia on Wednesday that Perosi's visit to Taiwan is a "down -for -thorough farce."He said that under the guise of democracy, the United States did the act of violating China's sovereignty; the Taiwan independence split forces of the Taiwan independence of Tsai Ing -wen hugged the United States with thick legs and abandoned the righteousness of the nation.

Wang Yi emphasized that these inverted adversity cannot change a Chinese consensus of China, nor can it change that Taiwan will return to the history of the motherland.He warned: "The player is absolutely not good. If the offenders are committed, they will be punished."

In addition to the Taiwan issue, the South China Sea dispute is another hot issue.China claims to have almost the entire South China Sea, and Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam have also made sovereignty for sovereignty in parts of the South China Sea.

Cambodia, as an important Chinese ally, hosted the Asian Safe Conference in 2012, was accused of favoraying the Chinese side on the South China Sea issue, making the meeting fail to issue a bulletin.Kangfu will be able to reach a consensus on this meeting and issue a joint statement to express confidence.

In addition to the Taiwan issue, the South China Sea dispute is another hot issue.China claims to have almost the entire South China Sea, and Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam have also made sovereignty for sovereignty in parts of the South China Sea.