Asia Jia'an called on all parties to maintain their restraint to the greatest extent, avoid provocations, and maintain the principles contained in the United Nations Charter and Southeast Asian friendly cooperation."We reiterate the support of Yajia'an member states for their own 'one China' policy."

The Minister of Foreign Minister Ya'an issued a statement saying that the recent development of Asia Gyeongan's neighboring areas may lead to misjudgment, serious confrontation, open conflicts and unpredictable consequences of large powers, and call on all parties to maintain restraint to the greatest extent.

Aya Director Foreign Director issued a statement on the situation in the Taiwan Strait on Thursday (August 4).The statement did not mention the "Taiwan" or "Pelosi to visit Taiwan", but it mentioned that Ya'an expressed concern about the international and regional turbulence situation, especially "the development of the recent situation in adjacent to the Asianan."The statement said: "This may destroy the stability of the region, and eventually leads to misjudgment, serious confrontation, open conflict and unpredictable consequences of large powers."

Aya Jian'an urged all parties to maintain its restraint to the greatest extent, avoid provocations, and maintain the principles contained in the United Nations Charter and Southeast Asian Friendship Cooperation Treaty."We reiterate the support of Yajia'an member states to their own 'one China' policy."


Statement also said that the world urgently requires the wisdom and responsibility of all leaders to maintain the common goals of polymerization and partnership, cooperation, peaceful coexistence and benign, and achieve a common goal of peace, stability, security, tolerance and sustainable development.Essence

"We should act together, and Asian'an is willing to play a role in promoting peaceful dialogue between parties, including using the mechanism led by Asia in Ayan to ease the tension and maintain the peace, security and development of the region." Statement was issued, the Asia Jia'an -China Expansion Foreign Minister meeting was being held at the Soka Hotel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Describes the strategic relationship between Asia Gyeongan China: The starting start is strong

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi described the comprehensive strategic partnerships of Asia Gyrity and China in the opening whites.He said that China will focus on providing greater momentum for the region and the recovery of the world economy, and also provide more development opportunities for the Asian dimensions.

In November last year, Asianan and China upgraded the relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership.Wang Yi said that in just over half a year, the cooperation between China and Asians in various fields has made good progress.

In terms of security, Wang Yi said: "The two sides strengthen strategic communication, work together to deal with the challenges of various spillwalk effects, and jointly maintain the difficult and stable situation of the difficulty in the region."

In terms of trade, Wang Yi said that Ya'an and China jointly implemented a regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) to promote the feasibility study of subsequent negotiations in the free trade zone.Asiabean and China continued to be the largest trading partners. In the first half of the year, the trade volume exceeded $ 450 billion (about S $ 620 billion), an increase of 11.5%year -on -year.

This year is the year of Asianan -China Sustainable Development Cooperation.Wang Yi said that more than 20 activities and cooperation between the two sides are talking about building a clean energy cooperation center and will hold a climate change and ecological environment dialogue.

Wang Yi also attended the 23rd Asian Secretary of Foreign Minister.Shortly after the meeting, U.S. Secretary of State Brosky was at about 1 pm Cambodia time (about 2 pm Singapore time) at the Buoska Hotel.

Although China -US Foreign Minister is in the same hotel, there is no intersection at all.When Brinken attended the banquet hall in the afternoon, when attending the Asianan -the United States Expansion Foreign Minister's meeting, Wang Yi had a bilateral meeting with some countries upstairs.

Brinkeak: The United States is determined to deepen the relationship with the Asian Simpan

Brinton said at the expansion of the foreign minister's meeting: "The United States is determined to deepen and strengthen our partnership with Asians in order to cope with the current challenges and the challenges that affect citizens and all countries."

At the Ayanan -US Special Summit in May this year, Asianan and the United States jointly announced the upgrade of relations to comprehensive strategic partnership at the end of this year.Brinken said that the two sides are deepening cooperation in the fields of energy technology, medical care services and de -carbonization, and laid the foundation for comprehensive strategic partnerships in order to expand cooperation to more fields, including maritime security, public health, and network security.