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(Morning News) The American House of Representatives Perosi arrived in Japan on Thursday (August 4) in the evening of her trip to the last stop of her Asian trip.It is reported that she will meet with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida tomorrow tomorrow.

Agence France -Presse reported that Pelosi was settled in the US Air Force Base in Hengtian, Tokyo, hugging and shaking hands with the US ambassador to Japan, Emmanuel, and other officials.

The 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan next month.After visiting Taiwan, China held a large -scale military exercise in the waters around Taiwan.Japanese Defense Minister Anfu pointed out at a press conference on the 4th that Five of the nine ballistic missile launched by China fell in Japan's exclusive economic zone EssenceJapanese foreign affairs official Mori Kenliang said that Japan has proposed a strong protest to the Chinese side through diplomatic channels.