(Washington News) The US Treasury reports that Chinese investors submitted a total of 44 applications in the regulatory field in 2021, which has doubled from 2020.

According to Reuters on Tuesday (August 2), local time, the annual report released by the Foreign Investment Commission (CFIUS) under the Ministry of Finance shows that Chinese investors submitted 44 "notice of supervision" in 2021 (the notice of supervision "(Covered Notices applications to see a green light for their transactions.In 2020, there were only 17 applications, and three of them came from Hong Kong investors.

Due to the change of US policy, Chinese data has also covered Hong Kong since 2021.

Data show that CFIUS is responsible for reviewing transactions involving national security and has the right to prevent transactions. Most foreign investors must obtain its approval if they want to acquire non -controlling stakes of American companies.

CFIUS power has been further expanded in 2018 to investigate transactions that can be investigated, including foreigners' attempts to acquire non -controlling equity in the United States, and also formulate mandatory filing requirements for certain transactions.Former US President Trump has used this to overthrow many investment in China in the United States.

The report said that CFIUS reviewed 272 "Notice of Supervision" in 2021, far more than 187 in 2020, mainly concentrated in "finance, information and services" and manufacturing.China is the country with the largest number of "regulatory notice", accounting for 16.5%of the total, followed by Canada and Japan, 10.3%and 9.6%, respectively.

The report also shows that Chinese investors only apply for 10 investment projects in key areas such as technology, infrastructure and data business in 2021, after the British, Japan, South Korea, Cayman Islands and Israel; in 2018, CFIUS expandsBefore the power, China ’s investment in key technologies in the United States accounted for more than 20%of the total investment from 2016 to 2017.

Nicholas Klein, a lawyer of the CFIUS related cases, said that the increase in the number of applications was also related to the slowdown in the number of applications and the market recovery.

Clai also said that Chinese investors are surprising that the regulatory supervision of CFIUS with double applications, and said that it reflects the Bayeng government in balanced national security risks and allows foreign investment including ChinaMore subtle operations.