(Morning News) Senior US officials said that China ’s military exercises responded to the US House of Representatives Perosi to visit Taiwan as“ irresponsible ”and warned that the situation was in danger of losing control.

Agence France -Presse reported that in an interview with the National Public Radio on Wednesday (August 3), US National Security Consultant Sarawan said: "We believe that what China has done here is irresponsible. "

According to reports, China issued military deterrence after visiting Perosi, and the PLA dispatched 27 military aircraft around Taiwan , 22 of which crossed the midline of the Strait.From August 4th to 7th, the PLA will also be surrounded by six sea airspaces around Taiwan to launch large-scale military exercises and organize real bombs.

Shatin said: "Whenever the army participates in a series of activities, including missile tests, real bomb exercises, fighter jets buzzed in the air, and ships are sailing at sea.Yes. "He urged Beijing to ease the tension of the Taiwan Strait.

Shatin said: "We hope that the People's Republic of China will take responsible actions to avoid upgrading that may cause errors or misjudgments in air or maritime."