U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said on the Taiwan Strait situation on Thursday that the US "one China" policy position has not changed. I hope Beijing will not create a crisis or find an excuse to increase the aggressive military activities.

Bringscan attended the Asian Dimetry -the United States to expand the Foreign Minister's meeting on Thursday (August 4). When he opened the field, he emphasized that peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait region continued to have long -lasting benefits to the United States.

He said that the United States opposes any unilateral actions that change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait, especially through force.He also reiterated that the United States still adheres to the "one China" policy guided by the three joint communiqués of Taiwan relations, China and the United States, and six guarantees."I want to emphasize that our position has not changed."

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Brinken said: "I really hope Beijing will not create crisis or find excuses to increase its aggressive military activities. We and countries around the world believe that the situation is not good for anyone, and it may cause unexpected parts other than expectedThe consequences do not meet the interests of anyone, including the member states of Asians, as well as China. "

US National Security Consultant Sha Liewen pointed out that Mainland China responded to the Taiwan Bank of Pelosi to respond to Perlis.He warned that the situation could be out of control.

Shatin said in an interview with the National Public Broadcasting Station in the United States: "We think China's behavior is irresponsible."

Salavin said: "Whenever the army starts, it may include missile testing, real bombs, fighters shuttle in the air, and warships cruise at sea.

He urged China to ease the tension of the Taiwan Strait. "We hope that the People's Republic of China will act responsibly and avoid the warming up.

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Ge Laiyi, director of the Asian Project of the Marshall Foundation in the United States, pointed out that Chinese officials seem to be unwilling to provoke a crisis, but "if the PLA plane approaches Taiwan in different past methods, if they enter Taiwan's airspace, then regardless of Chinese officials, then regardless of the Chinese officialWhat is the willingness to occur, there may be serious incidents. "

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Wednesday that the measures for sanctioning Pelosi "there should be all", which implies that there are follow -up operations in Beijing; Ge Laiyi believes that the risks and consequences brought by Perlis's high -profile visit will bePlus from Taiwan.

According to her analysis: "China adopts a series of military, economic and diplomatic actions to show strength and determination, it will not be low, it will punish Taiwan in various ways."

China suspended some of the trade with Taiwan on Wednesday after ending his visit to Taiwan on Wednesday, including prohibiting Taiwan citrus and some fish inputs, and suspension of natural sand exporting to Taiwan.

Jayant Menon, a senior researcher at the Easov Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, pointed out that although Beijing can "punish" Taiwan through sanctioning companies, as Taiwan's largest trading partner, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, ChinaMany countries will be led by "paying the price" itself.

He said: "This time the ban is the first to be a food exporter in Taiwan, but Chinese consumers will also be affected. In Beijing, if Beijing will expand the trade ban to the manufacturing field, especially the semiconductor and electronic products fieldThe impact and impact will be wider. "