Dr. Weiwen, Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday (August 4) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.When it comes to the latest situation of the Taiwan Strait, Weiwen emphasized that it must be avoiding misjudgments and accidents, because this may lead to spiral upgrades of the situation and destroy the stability of the area.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two exchanged opinions on the regional and international situation at the meeting, including the latest situation in the Taiwan Strait.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "Singapore has a clear and consistent 'one China' policy to oppose Taiwan independence and any unilateral move that changes the status quo."

Weiwen also emphasized that it is necessary to avoid misjudgment and accidents, because misjudgment and accidents may lead to spiral upgrades and destroy the stability of the area.He reiterated that he hoped that the United States and China would be compromised (Modus Vivendi) and emphasized that stable Sino -US relations are essential for peace and security.

Weiwen and Wang Yi also affirmed the solid relationship between Singapore and China again.They discussed the importance of strengthening the mutual visits of bilateral high -level, including Chinese State Councilor and Defense Director Wei Fenghe, and Liu Jianchao, Minister of the CPC Central Committee, visited Singapore earlier.

Weiwen and Wang Yi also look forward to fully restoring new Chinese flights, and restore students' exchange, tourism and business mutual visits with conditions permit.

Weiwen also met U.S. Secretary of State Brillin at the Asianan -the United States Expansion Foreign Minister Conference on Thursday.

Ayanian and the United States held the Ayanan -American Special Summit in Washington, USA in May this year.Weiwen told the Singapore media that the meeting on Thursday continued the discussion at the time.

"We welcomes the United States to continue to participate in regional affairs and play a role in building a construction role for regional peace, prosperity and development. Our goal is to strengthen cooperation immediately after the recovery stage after the crown disease, and build sustainable and climatic resistance capabilities during the recovery stage.Future. "

He also looks forward to upgrading the relationship into a comprehensive strategic partnership between Ya'an and the United States this year.