Evergreen Group issued a statement on the Evergreen Crown Hotel in Paris, and said an apology, emphasizing the recognition of the 1992 consensus and opposing Taiwan independence.The DPP ruling in Taiwan said that Beijing may have a certain degree of helping to a certain extent. This is a ring of the National Security issue and must propose a strategic response.

According to the Taiwan Free Times, Wu Junzheng, director of the DPP China Affairs Department, said in an interview on Saturday (August 24) that this is actually the follow -up effect of a series of activities of the Communist Party of China.Repeated reminders that peace cannot be fully established in trust in mainland China.

He said, this seems to be an online celebrity topic, but from the follow -up behavior of Internet celebrities claims to be supported by the mainland's propaganda department, and various behaviors such as robbing cheering slogans during the Olympic GamesThe Chinese Communist Party may have a certain degree of contribution behind it.

Wu Junzheng continued, this action did not happen today. The mainland has been oppressing Taiwan's international status, including robbing diplomatic relations, preventing Taiwan from participating in international organizations, and even in various folk events.The name of the name is, of course, this series of activities is also a country's issue. The core essence is that Beijing wants to reduce Taiwan's status and role in the international community. Of course, Taiwan must propose a strategy to respond.

As for how to help protect the oppressed enterprises, Wu Junzheng responded that it was difficult to accept private business activities in the world with political forces and would continue to counter some strategies.

A mainland Chinese netizen recently referred to the five -star red flag in the small national flag hanging by the Olympic National flag hanging by Changrong Paris in the lobby.Evergreen's hotel.

Evergreen Group issued a statement on Friday (23rd) saying that in response to the disputes over the related layout of the Paris Music Hotel during the Olympics, which affects the emotions of the people on both sides of the strait, the group apologized, and emphasized that the group recognized the 1992 consensus and opposition.Taiwan independence.