Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou led Taiwan students to visit mainland China in April this April this year, and invited the mainland teachers and students to visit Taiwan., Will continue to promote youth exchanges on both sides of the strait.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Xiao Xucen attended the opening ceremony of the youth vitality carnival on both sides of the 2024 Straits on Friday in Shanghai on Friday that the plan to invite Lu Sheng to visit Taiwan will continue to plan this year, hoping to invite more mainland universities and universitiesClassmates walked in Taiwan.

He mentioned that the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation invited a number of mainland college students to visit Taiwan last year. No matter where, people in various places have no ideology, and they have sent the most enthusiastic welcome to mainland students.

Xiao Xucen said that after taking office in Taiwan Lai Qingde 520, it continued to promote the "theory of the two countries", causing some major obstacles to cross -strait exchanges.As civil units, they will continue to promote youth exchanges on both sides of the strait, and believe that this is the fundamental way.He said that only by cross -strait folk young people with deeper exchanges can we avoid rumors and traps set by politics or politicians.

Ma Ying -jeou, from the end of March to early April last year, led the students of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation's "Dajiu School" to the mainland for the first time, communicated with the three mainland universities, and invited five mainland college students to visit Taiwan in July of the same year.In April this year, Ma Ying -jeou led Taiwanese students to visit Sun Yat -sen University and Peking University again, and invited university teachers and students to visit Taiwan.

Xiao Xucen said at the opening ceremony on Friday that most Taiwanese youths, especially the age of 20 to 30, have more open -minded hearts, and hope to know the enthusiasm of the mainland and the world.The ideology of the party or some people hyped, they clearly realized that "do not fight on both sides of the strait, do not fight, do not fight."

The youth vitality carnival on both sides of the Taiwan Straits held by Shanghai debuted from August 23rd to 25th.Director Zhong Xiaomin and others attended the opening ceremony.The guests in Taiwan have Xiao Xucen.

In addition to the opening ceremony, the carnival has 13 points of activities, covering sports, culture, music, services and other categories. It is expected that Taiwan will directly participate in Taiwan to 2,000 people to participate in Shanghai.