Taiwan Foreign Minister Lin Jialong and Guatemala (known as Guaidomara) in the secondary head of Okoc said that he thanked the Guatemala government for his firm assistance to Taiwan to participate in international organizations such as the World Health Conference.

Guatemala is located in Central America and is one of the 12 diplomatic countries in Taiwan.

The Taiwan Foreign Ministry issued a press release on Tuesday (August 6), saying that Lin Jialong met on Monday (August 5) to meet with Julio Eduardo Orozco Pérez.And multiple cooperation plans and other issues exchange opinions.This trip was the second visit to Taiwan.

Lin Jialong said that the Taiwan government is developing a cooperation direction for the governance items of Guatemala President Bernardo Arévalo, including the introduction of the textile and circular economy industry chain to invest, and introduce the wisdom of the good agricultural production environment for Guatemala.Technology, as well as the establishment of a strategic layout of mutual benefit and benefit of the two places to promote the mutual benefit of the people in Taiwan.

Lin Jialong also thanked the Guatemara government for its firm assistance to Taiwan to participate in international organizations such as the World Health Conference.

During the administration of former President Ma Ying -jeou in Taiwan, from 2009 to 2016, he participated in the WHO as an observer.After the Democratic Progressive Party's Cai Yingwen came to power in 2017, Taiwan no longer was invited to participate in the meeting.At the end of May this year, although 11 diplomatic relations in Taiwan will include "inviting Taiwan to participate in the World Health Conference as an observer" into the agenda, after the WTC Conference's debate and debate, the proposal eventually rejected the proposal.