According to the official Taiwan, the Macau Special Administrative Region Government requested the personnel to be stationed in the local office to sign the "One Central Principles" commitment form to obtain a visa, which makes it difficult to send employees to the office. The Macau government on Friday (August 2A response stated that Taiwan distorted the facts and maliciously speculated that the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office" of Macau's "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office" was rotated, and the Macau government expressed firm opposition.

The Macau Special Administrative Region Government issued a statement on the official website saying that according to the basic principles and policies of the Macau in Macau after the "99th" of the Central People's Government handled it in 1999And personnel must abide by a Chinese principle.

Statement pointed out that the Macau government has put forward relevant measures to sign the "commitment letter" on the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office and personnel in Macau, and take relevant measures to be completely reasonable.The official aspects of Taiwan distorted the facts, discredited the attack, and highlighted the malicious speculation for political purposes, and seriously damaged Australian and Taiwan relations.At present, the personnel of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office is the result of the officials of Taiwan's officials and irresponsibility. All consequences should be borne by Taiwan officials.

Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the Taiwan MAC, said at a routine press conference on Thursday (1st) that a foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taiwan Office of the Macau Office was sent to Taiwan at the end of July.The successor signed a visa to obey the "One China Principles" commitment.Taiwan refused to accept this request, which affected the normal rotation of the people in the Taiwan office.

Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao have set up offices since 2011.The Taiwan offices in Macau originally compiled eight people, from the MAC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Immigration Department, and the Police Department.After the Cai Yingwen government came to power in 2016, cross -strait relations have deteriorated. Since July 2018, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government requires the Taiwan office to send personnel to the Hong Kong office to sign the letter of commitment to comply with the "One Central Principles".Personnel must do so.Hong Kong and Macau closed its office in Taipei in 2021.