The Canadian warships voyage navigable to the Taiwan Strait. The Ministry of National Defense of Mainland China stated that it has been negotiated with Canada through military diplomacy channels, and criticized the Canadian high -profile speculation to be stored.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Ministry of Defense", a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense Zhang Xiaogang on Friday (August 2) asked reporters from the Canadian warships to pass the Taiwan Strait.

Zhang Xiaogang said that the Eastern theater responded to the Taiwan Strait of the Canadian "Montreal" frigates and hype, and had strictly negotiated with Canada through military diplomacy channels.

He said that the Canadian warship was disturbed in the Taiwan Strait and released an error signal to the "Taiwan independence" division forces, which seriously endangered the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."The high -profile hype of Canada brushed the" presence "of the wrong act, and also made excuses to mislead public opinion, and it was wrong."

Zhang Xiaogang reminded that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs, and it is not allowed to interfere with any foreign interference, and is suing the Canada to adhere to the principle of China and be cautious on the Taiwan issue to avoid affecting the development of the relationship between the two countries and the two armies.

The Canadian warships passed the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday (July 31), and the Canadian joint operational headquarters posted on the social platform X stated that "Canada acts in accordance with international law and supports rules -based international order."

The Canadian National Defense Minister Blair said that the routine sailing reiterates Canada's commitment to the Indo -Pacific region of freedom, openness and tolerance.

The Eastern theater of the PLA responded on Thursday (August 1) that the Eastern theater organized the sea and air forces to follow the supervisor to quit, maintain a high alert, and deal with all threats at any time.