The "214" Golden Gate Botchrier Course Consultation for more than five months officially reached a consensus on Tuesday (July 30). Taiwan will return the remains and fishing boats of mainland fishermen.Refuse to disclose the details of the negotiation.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times United Daily and Sanli News reported that cross -strait negotiating representatives held closed -door consultations at the Jinhu Hotel on Tuesday at 9 am.After the negotiation, the cross -strait negotiated representatives revealed that the two sides have reached a consensus on the aftermath of the incident.

Li Zhaohui, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Quanzhou City, on behalf of the mainland, said that the incident has been more than five months since the incident, and the two sides have reached a consensus on the aftermath.The victims were restless and explained to their families.

Xie Qingqin, the deputy director of the Taiwan Maritime Patrol Department, said that the successful consensus of negotiation must be attributed to the continuous efforts on both sides of the strait.The two sides will hurry up and actively implement the negotiation consensus.

In response to the content of the media questions, Xie Qingqin responded that because involving respect for family members and negotiating consensus on cross -strait, there was no way to report details on foreign countries, but the atmosphere of the meeting was good.

There are other media on -site questions. Will the land party still feel that the sea patrol agency is a malicious crash?Xie Qingqin didn't say a word, shook his head sharply and left.

According to reports, after the negotiation, the negotiative representatives of the two parties went to the funeral place to worship the victims.The remains of the mainland fishermen and the detention ships were transported back to the Siege Port of Jinjiang in the mainland, allowing the entire incident to end.

On February 14 this year, an law enforcement accident occurred. In order to avoid the Taiwan Strait's patrol boats, a mainland fishing boat killed two mainland fishermen.The two sides have not broken through the deadlock after 15 negotiations. The remains of the mainland fishermen are still frozen in the Golden Gate funeral home. The fishing boat has been parked in the ninth seas.

After the incident ended, Chen Yuzhen, a Kuomintang legislator, who ran on the two sides of the strait, revealed that she will accompany the fisherman's family of Hu who has been detained by the mainland maritime police to the Chinese mainland in August and take the fisherman of the Hu surname to return to the return of Hu to return to the fisherman.In the future, it will also discuss the opening of Luke to Kinmen for sightseeing with the land.