The Kuomintang legislator Yan Kuanheng was guilty of the first instance of the Corruption Case, but the Kuomintang did not sacrifice party discipline. In an interview with the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun, he believed that Yan Kuanheng could try his best to retrieve the innocence through the judicialness and say that the party discipline was disciplined.The punishment is handled in accordance with the practice.

Yan Kuanheng was sentenced to eight years of prison for corruption and forged documents for the first Friday (July 26) for the suspected fraudulent assistant fee and fake trading.In the year, the Kuomintang had not been suspended because Yan Kuanheng was sentenced to sentence, and he had not been punished by the party discipline.

Comprehensive United Daily News, Central Radio Broadcasting Network, and Zhongshi News Network reported that Zhu Lilun and Changhua legislators Xie Yifeng and other people went to Da Village Township, Changhua County to investigate disaster.The media responded when asked about it that all Kuomintang party members encountered judicial lawsuits, "we all hope to fight for his innocence."

Zhu Lilun further stated that I believe that Yan Kuanheng's efforts in the process will definitely make judicial justice and recover the innocence. As for the party discipline, it will be handled in accordance with the Kuomintang's regulations.

According to the Kuomintang party members' violation of the party discipline regulations, party members will be involved in corruption and guilty regulations, and the court will be suspended by the Central Examination Association to stop their party power.

It is reported that the Kuomintang had previously issued a press release after the first trial that the judgment of the case has not been determined, and the parties believe that the judgment and usage of the first instance judgment have been violated, so they support Yan Kuanheng to defend the innocence.