People familiar with the matter revealed that Taiwan ’s defense budget predictive increase will increase by about 5%next year, and it will reach a new high.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Yi Ping News reported that the president of Taiwan Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai expects to convene the heads of the departments on Monday (July 29) to discuss the general budget of the Central Government in 2025, in AugustHe will report to the President Lai Qingde in the early days, and the regular hospital in late August will pass.

It is understood that Taiwan ’s overall age and income will be reached a new high next year.Yuan NT $.People familiar with the matter said that the defense budget will reach 460 billion yuan next year, and the plus contains special budgets and special funds, which is estimated to reach 630 billion yuan, an increase of about 5%.

The last time the Tsai government was in office for the last 2024 central government budget.Among them, the national defense budget reached a record high, and after incorporated national defense budget, special budget and non -business special funds, it reached 606.8 billion yuan.

DPP legislator Chen Guanting said in question on Monday that he fully supported the continuous improvement of national defense budgets in response to the continuous increase in mainland China.Whether it is military capabilities or the modernization of equipment, Taiwan must have improved national defense budgets. This is also a proof of international proof that Taiwan has determination to defend himself.