The Taiwan Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday (July 28) criticized mainland China to continue to destroy stability in a provocative way in mainland China, and the picture is changed to the status quo.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded on the official website on the official website on the side of the Minister of Foreign Minister Lu Mei'an's ministerial meeting.In position, Taiwan ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed sincere thanks.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also refers to the press release issued by the mainland on this meeting, "once again issued various fallacy fallacies for Taiwan", and emphasized: "The Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other. ChinaIn the region, it is constantly destroying stability in a provocative way, changing the status quo by the meaning of the picture, and the international democratic community has high concern to this.> The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China announced earlier. Wang Yi told Brinken that Taiwan was part of China. In the past, it would not be a country in the future.Taiwan independence and the Taiwan Strait Peace Water fire cannot be allowed.Every time the Taiwan independence is provoked, the mainland will be countermeasures, constantly compressing Taiwan's independence space, and striving for the goal of achieving a complete and unified.

Brckling also emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait to Wang Yi.