For the joint cruise of Bai Linghai near the United States in Alaska, the former deputy commander of the Taiwan Air Force Zhang Yanting said that this shows that the Sino -Russian military cooperation has been upgraded again.

According to the China Times Electronics Daily report, Zhang Yanting said on Saturday (July 27) in front of the China -Heavenly Political Science Program that Mainland China ’s“ Board Six ”series belongs to a medium -sized bomber, with a maximum range of about 5,500 kilometersThis time it can appear in the Alaska region that exceeds the voyage. Thanks to the military agreement signed between China and Russia, the Chinese Air Force can directly use the Russian base to supply.

Zhang Yanting analyzed that because the specifications of the Russian military supply equipment were different, before the operation began, the mainland military sent a pre -transportation of 20 and the local staff to the Russian military base of the Kamaka Peninsula.If you arrive at six, you will immediately perform fuel and oxygen.

Zhang Yanting pointed out that a number of mainland warships, including the type 055 destroyer, broke into the sea outside Alaska. Now relying on cooperation with the Russian army, the military aircraft can also conduct strategic cruise in the airspace near Alaska, which shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it shows that it meansSino -Russian military cooperation has been upgraded again.

Comprehensive Global Times, Reuters and Agence France -Presse previously reported that the Sino -Russian military aircraft conducted joint cruise in Bai Linghai near the Far East of Russia and near the United States on July 25. Beijing and Moscow both emphasized that this operationNot targeting third parties.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that Russia's "Tu-95" strategic bomber and the Chinese "Board Six" strategic bomber conducted air cruise in Chuki, Bai Linghai, and the North Pacific.The operation is part of the military cooperation plan of the two sides in 2024, not for third countries.Zhang Xiaogang, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense, also said that the operation is not aimed at third parties, in line with international law and international practice, and has nothing to do with the current situation of international and regional situations.

The North American Air Defense Command said that the US and Canadian fighters intercepting four bombers of China and Russia in the international airspace near Alaska, and emphasized that these bombs are only acting in the international airspace.